It seems that square has the remake bug at the moment. Not that i'm complaining. I tend to eat up whatever games they churn out and oviously so does everyone else otherwise they wouldn't keep doing it. But seems odd is they are spreading them across multiple platforms as exclusives. Maybe if square help shift units then they have more hardware to play around with and that = £££. We have the 1+2 reamkes on the PSP (as well as every last gen console it seems), they've already done 3 for the DS. Now we know that 4 is the next reamake on the list for the DS (i'm looking forward to this even though i own like 2 copy's of it already. what is wrong with me???). What i'm more interested in is the next games in the series and what platforms they will be arriving on. I think that maybe they should make 5 + 6 for the DS (not too fussed what platform 6 arrives on. DS or PSP as long as they get the most out of it) and then start showing the PSP some love with 7, 8 and 9 (i know this is a DS forum but i own pretty much every system apart from mircosofts so as long as they don't port for that i'm happy). I think the PSP could easily handle the later remakes if not straight ports of the originals as i doubt Square Enix will let Sony distibute them through the PSstore. I know that this isn't a question but i would like to see some other people input on the whole remake thing.
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