Hello all. I recently decided to go ahead and order a second hand New 3DS to play some stuff from its huge library. I've never owned one before, but did used to have a DS Lite and held onto some games from that which I can replay on the 3DS.
Anyway, I was just wondering which games you guys/girls would suggest for a 3DS newbie to check out? If it helps I enjoy all genres really, particularly tactical RPGs, platformers, strategies and simulations, but all recommendations are welcome and much appreciated!
So far I was thinking:
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.
- Metal Gear: Solid Snake Eater 3D.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising.
- Fire Emblem (which one though?)
- Perhaps the Zelda remasters.
- Starfox 64 3D.
- Metroid: Samus Returns.
The preowned games here are pretty cheap now, so I thought 2019 was a good time to jump in. Thanks for any help. :)
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