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even though im the best guitar hero player out of all my friends they make fun of me whenever i play cause i make weird faces.
and when i have a wired controler pplugged into the 360 i have to take it out when im not using it
and i always have to out the sensor bar in the exact middle of the tv or it bugs me
in general
1. same just builds the atmosphere
2. same help past the time until i can get homoe to play
3. ehh to a lesser extent usually on smash bros , melee i won all the time i was the best til my friend got good and anyone could win, with brawl i won the first matches and now they getting better
4. Oh thats like a commandment of gaming this rule includes my bro dont continue my games when im not around cuz when i get back im all confused and my friends are the same
5. im like that for mario im always mario no ifs ands or buts about it
but personally i habit i had was moving with the controller or moving the controller in the direction the car is going hoping i would turn faster, now with the wii it actualy does that now i gotta b careful now to over do it lol
For the wii
i still press the on button on the system to turn it on like it was a GC or N64 even though i can fully turn it on with the wiimote from the comfort of my couch lol
Oh yeah, I forgot. Instead of taking out the batteries and hoping not to press any buttons( what I used to do), now I just press the home button, disconnect all the remotes and connect only the one I'm using. It works better that way ;).theweakbearand see... I've known that since about March, but I find myself doing still doing it the old way from time to time
I read my manual in the car too. well I look at the characters/teams/weapons. no actual instructions.
I have a "beaten game pile" and an unbeaten game pile and then the game I have in my wii sits on top of desk thing next to the wii. (2 shelves.) Games in the unbeaten pile include Red Steel (I couldn't take anymore), and Guitar Hero (I can't beat 2 songs on expert, therefore it is unbeaten). A few others too. I have to beat a game 100% too for it to be beaten so brawl is unbeaten as I have not done all the challenges and 100% in SSE even though I have all characters and levels.
When I play guitar hero I always play "when you were young" first because its the only expert song I have 100% on and it serves as my warm up.
I always wear the wrist strap even for something like super paper mario or fire emblem.
1) I chew on the controllers. You can always tell which Gamecube controller is mine because it's got paint missing on the top. I also used to blow on the top of the controller, right above where the cord came out, and it would make a whistling sound. My Wiimote is even more fun to chew on because of that sweet, sweet Wiimote jacket. I swear, those things never lose their shape.
2) I pull the control stick in and out (so does my girlfriend, as she insists on me noting for some reason).
3) I put my games in alphabetical order. However, I don't do it with my Gamecube games (for whatever crazy reason). Instead I put them in the order that they appear in the rainbow (ROYGBV). Why did I do this? Because I have enough games to make a rainbow, so why not? You judging me?!?
4) (This one's not about Wii really) When playing a FPS, I constantly scroll through my guns with the scrollbutton. I especially like the clicking sound in Half-Life.
You know what? I've got like a hundred of these. I'll post some more later.
my strange habit and or rituals
1)i watch the intro movie in all my new games
2)i also sniff my new game and the book ( i have been doing this ever since i have seen it in a web comic)
3)i wipe the dust of the top of my wii even if there is none
and a lot more
Have you caught yourself doing the most absurd ritual when messing around with games? Remember back in the day when we blew into the cartridges before putting them in regardless of how clean they were? Kinda like that... What is a weird or involuntary habit or custom you have developed over your gaming life? With my Nintendo Wii 1) Even though I know the Wiimote will turn off by itself, I take pleasure in removing the jacket, removing the batteries, putting the batteries back in, and praying that while putting the jacket back on, I don't hit any buttons while doing so. I even have rechargeable batteries yet I still do it (gotta max out the lives of these batteries ;)) 2) I only use the strap when bowling or playing tennis in WiiSports. It throws off my game if I don't In general 1) Whenever load a new game, I always watch the intro movie all the way through 2) As a kid - before I could drive - I ripped the plastic off the cases of games and skimmed the entire manual before getting home. Can't really do that nowadays because if I explained to the officer the reason for my crash, I'd sound crazy. :P 3) I MUST win the first multi player match of any multi player game I get against my younger brother... the game sucks overall if I don't win first (according to this, Mario Party 6 sucks and Mario Party 8 doesn't) :lol::P 4) No one beats my games before me, you're not borrowing it until I beat it.... just hold your horses:P 5) I always pick Luigi first in games he's available in right from the startZumaJones07
Yes, reading the manual in order to build anticipation for a new game is a particular ritual of mine.
Taking out the batteries unnecessarily seems a little anal. The tiny amount of energy you save by not letting the remote turn itself off doesn't seem to me to be worth the extra wear and tear you put on the remote every time you remove the batteries.aransomjust a quirk of mine :P though I now know that you can disconnect and reconnect the wiimotes with the wii menu. I mainly do it for Gamecube games...
Have you caught yourself doing the most absurd ritual when messing around with games? Remember back in the day when we blew into the cartridges before putting them in regardless of how clean they were? Kinda like that... What is a weird or involuntary habit or custom you have developed over your gaming life? With my Nintendo Wii 1) Even though I know the Wiimote will turn off by itself, I take pleasure in removing the jacket, removing the batteries, putting the batteries back in, and praying that while putting the jacket back on, I don't hit any buttons while doing so. I even have rechargeable batteries yet I still do it (gotta max out the lives of these batteries ;)) 2) I only use the strap when bowling or playing tennis in WiiSports. It throws off my game if I don't In general 1) Whenever load a new game, I always watch the intro movie all the way through 2) As a kid - before I could drive - I ripped the plastic off the cases of games and skimmed the entire manual before getting home. Can't really do that nowadays because if I explained to the officer the reason for my crash, I'd sound crazy. :P 3) I MUST win the first multi player match of any multi player game I get against my younger brother... the game sucks overall if I don't win first (according to this, Mario Party 6 sucks and Mario Party 8 doesn't) :lol::P 4) No one beats my games before me, you're not borrowing it until I beat it.... just hold your horses:P 5) I always pick Luigi first in games he's available in right from the startZumaJones07
We have simialr habits
1) batteries are always removed from the wiimotes after play unless its the wiimote with the nyko thing cause pressing a button starts the Bluetooth search mode on the wiimote and wastes power
2)Strap is a must for friends and company. If i throw it into the tv its my fault...i can live with that. if its someone elses fault they have to by me a new one and its easier just to avoid the situation
3)On new games i must watch the intro move all the way threw. If im disturbed in the middle i start it over
4)Reading manuals is the best way to kill time during the trip home from the game store
5)Rarely do games leave my home before ive beaten them unless i dont plan on beating them or if im still playing the 1st game
6)I always watch the Criedits of a game the 1st time i beat it and yell the name of people at the top of my lungs and tell them what i thought of their work depening on what they did(ah its so fun)
is there anyone else who isn't normal? :PZumaJones07
Did you not read mine?
I have more, if the ones I gave earlier aren't crazy enough for you.
[QUOTE="ZumaJones07"]is there anyone else who isn't normal? :Pbob_newman
Did you not read mine?
I have more, if the ones I gave earlier aren't crazy enough for you.
Oh I did read yours... and I would definitely say you're on the quirky side of life. ...but will me saying that stop you from revealing your other quirks... If so I take back what I said on your craziness. Impress me :POk, ok. Time to freak you out, man!
5) If I buy 2 games at the same time, I play the one that has the cooler boxart.
6) I never throw my controller on the floor when I'm mad, I just start to insult the main character. As I get more and more frustrated, the insults become more and more illogical and vulgar. Eventually I just sound like I have a bad case of tourettes.
7) I refuse to read the instruction book until I simply can't figure out what to do. To me, the instruction booklet is like GameFAQ's: if you need to read how to play a game, you fail.
8 ) If I have a game night at my house, I make sure that we play games in order of the gaming generations. What I mean is that we have to start with NES games, then move on to SNES, and continue on until we get to current gen.
More to come tomorrow...
Scensor bar has to be perfectly center.
Zelda has to be in the middle of the games on my shelf.
I always have to save when I quit a game, even if I didn't accomplish anything while playing.
I wiggle the cursor frantically while waiting on any Wii menu screen.....drives my GF crazy.
I smell boxes, books, controllers, even the Wii itself.
Yes I do ocd much.
a strange habit i have in ssbb,is i alawys win,hahahahaha i cant be stoppedmetallicafan14If I had my Wii with me I'd add you right now and break your habit... I might get it back next weekend :twisted: disguised bump
[QUOTE="CheeChee_Macko"]OCD much?ZumaJones07heh... not really... those are just the little things I do
Yeah it is OCD mate lol... if you do it every time, or you feel you 'have' to do it.
I tend to read the manual after I've played one session.
Every game has to be in it's case with the exception of the one I'm playing. Disc/Case mismatches are a huge no no.
I watch the entire intro the first time I start a game up.
I watch the entire credit sequence when I beat a game and even after it's done I leave it on for a good 5 minutes (probably due to MGS's 5 endings).
I constantly feel the need to open all unlockables and collect all collectables and the only thing that stops me is grueling difficulty, a new game, or tedious tasks (GTA, I'm looking at you!)
I have to be play a game 5 times and still be stuck in order to look up information. Any tips, hints, tricks from earlier sections of the game are fair.
Have you caught yourself doing the most absurd ritual when messing around with games? Remember back in the day when we blew into the cartridges before putting them in regardless of how clean they were? Kinda like that... What is a weird or involuntary habit or custom you have developed over your gaming life? With my Nintendo Wii 1) Even though I know the Wiimote will turn off by itself, I take pleasure in removing the jacket, removing the batteries, putting the batteries back in, and praying that while putting the jacket back on, I don't hit any buttons while doing so. I even have rechargeable batteries yet I still do it (gotta max out the lives of these batteries ;)) 2) I only use the strap when bowling or playing tennis in WiiSports. It throws off my game if I don't In general 1) Whenever load a new game, I always watch the intro movie all the way through 2) As a kid - before I could drive - I ripped the plastic off the cases of games and skimmed the entire manual before getting home. Can't really do that nowadays because if I explained to the officer the reason for my crash, I'd sound crazy. :P 3) I MUST win the first multi player match of any multi player game I get against my younger brother... the game sucks overall if I don't win first (according to this, Mario Party 6 sucks and Mario Party 8 doesn't) :lol::P 4) No one beats my games before me, you're not borrowing it until I beat it.... just hold your horses:P 5) I always pick Luigi first in games he's available in right from the startZumaJones07
unless he's a gamer in which case im sure he would let you off the hook
6) I never throw my controller on the floor when I'm mad, I just start to insult the main character. As I get more and more frustrated, the insults become more and more illogical and vulgar. Eventually I just sound like I have a bad case of tourettes.
[QUOTE="bob_newman"]6) I never throw my controller on the floor when I'm mad, I just start to insult the main character. As I get more and more frustrated, the insults become more and more illogical and vulgar. Eventually I just sound like I have a bad case of tourettes.
Haha, no. I insult the characters in a humorous way. I'm not yelling or anything, just swearing and insulting.
1. When I poop, I must play Game Boy.
2. If my blue light is flashing, I drop everything I'm doing and check my messages. I even dropped out of Lark's SSBB Saturday extravaganza for a few minutes for that reason.
3. I always have to have a disc in my XBox. But that's not my choice.... If there's no disc in there, I have to beat on the top of it to get the disc tray to open.
4. Whenever I beat an episode in Trauma Center, I would wave my arms up and down like you would to build up speed in DK Barrel Blast. I would imagine a Mii of me somewhere inside my Wii running at an incredible rate when I did that.
5. If I'm playing a game that allows me to eat, I have to have something to munch on. Turn-based RPGs or any Metal Gear Solid game (for the cutscenes, you know), for example. I like to multitask as much as possible in every area of my life. I learned this back when I worked at Chick-fil-a in high school. I felt inefficient if I was only doing one thing at a time.
6. In FPS games, my look is always inverted. If it's not, I shoot at the ground and run on top of people.
7. When I play online in SSBB, I always choose blue Link and the Frigate Orpheon stage first. I also check my friends list frequently to see if anybody is free, because it's a lot more fun with friends.
8. When I play Guitar Hero 3 with a friend, I always end on Through the Fire and Flames. My brother actually started this trend. It provides good closure.
9. I check my list of purchased games on the Wii shop channel occasionally for updates. Probably once every couple of weeks. I also check for Wii updates if there hasn't been one in awhile, just to make sure, even though I almost always hear about updates from the forum first.
10. For every Zelda game, I play through the game once as Jordan and a second time as Link. I think there's a reason for that, but I don't remember what it is.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Instead of taking out the batteries and hoping not to press any buttons( what I used to do), now I just press the home button, disconnect all the remotes and connect only the one I'm using. It works better that way ;).theweakbear
yea I do that too it is easier
1. I always wear my Wii Strap, gotta protect the screen. 2. In Brawl, I call everyone a hoe. I play with/against Peach alot just so I can say hoe. 3. My games are always in alphabetical order, in my carrying case and my shelf. 4. I take my Wii Strap off after every game. Then I spin the remote while throwing it in the air. 5. I check my playtimes after every Wii session.NALDOxCORE
yea I do all of that too except #2 lol that's funny
I like checking my play times,I just do
[QUOTE="RE4WiiGirl"][QUOTE="bob_newman"]6) I never throw my controller on the floor when I'm mad, I just start to insult the main character. As I get more and more frustrated, the insults become more and more illogical and vulgar. Eventually I just sound like I have a bad case of tourettes.
Haha, no. I insult the characters in a humorous way. I'm not yelling or anything, just swearing and insulting.
lol yea that's what I do to chasracters i'm using only i'm not yelling. I probably say something insulting, and then I laugh at myself cus I just come with these things. lol funny.
However, if I'm winning and such, I just congradulate on how well he did something, and I'm glad to be him and stuff
1. I always clean the top of my consoles, even if they already clean.
2. I punch my sofa when I get really angry. It sounds really loud, so it relieves me.
3. I stand up when the game is getting really difficult. I don't know why, I just feel more concentrated or stronger.
4. I always clean the sweat of my hands very often. My hands sweat while I play.
5. I organized my GC games in two groups: multiplayer games and single player games.
Well I guess we can safely say that Jordan has the dirtiest Game Boy in North America.
As for me?
1. When I get games (for whatever reason) and there's more then one I open and play one game each day, then the next day I open the second one and only play that game all day, then the third day I open the next one........
I do this until they're all opened and then go back and play the first one I opened all day, then the second the second day then the third.......
This usually lasts 2 or three weeks depending on the number of games
2. My palms sweat sometimes so I have a spare paper towel around so I can wipe them
3. I never use the pause button for games anymore, I just hit the "Home" button
4. I organize all my games by title but I put my DS games on the highest shelf since I have separate game cases for them so I never need to go in the cases.
5. I stop doing everything the second the blue light turns on and check what's new
6. I'm on every single possible message list that you can be on with the Wii (Smash Bros, Check Mii Out, etc....)
7. I always use the wrist stap even if I'm just checking the Everybody Votes Channel
8. I have games I want to download off the Virtual Console but I'm waiting in hopes they have a new downloading scene by the time I finally do (like the swimming Mario one when I got Startropics)
9. I wont play a game online anywhere unless I've played my friend first
10. I hate Star Wars but I own and like Lego Star Wars because it's Legos
11. Quite possibly most of my collection is unfinished because I'm always on the next game
12. I love RPG's but I don't play them as often as I'd like because once I walk away from a game I forget where I was and I hate starting over.
13. I make up lyrics for game music that usually has no connection to the game at all
14. For games that I don't make up lyrics I make noises along with the games like "DOO DEE DOOT DOOT DEE YOOOO WAAAAA" this is a talent that comes in especially handy with old school NES style music.
I must say this topic has cracked my **** up.
1. I always check my game times at end of the day.
2. While playing ssbb, if i get owned via computer i yell at the one who is ko'in me. Really bugs my wife....
3. I never leave a game in the wii once im done playing.
4. I always have to be player one on every game.
5. I look at the back of every game box before i begin playin it.
6. I always open the game up before i get home, another thing that bugs my wife. Even if im driving.
7. I arrange my games each night before i go to bed. Putting the one i played most or the one that is my fav at the time on top.
8. I play Wario Smooth Moves right before i shut my wii off for the night(rountine i just got into)
9. Always play brawl first before doing anything else. Always on 9 for the computers.(seems so much fun)
10. Always have to use pikacu once before i quit playing brawl.
11. Look at vc each night.
12. Each game has to be in the right case.
13. Dont let ANYONE borrow my games.
14. Check for scratchs before putting the game into the wii.
15. Yell at the most annoying character in a ssbb match. Vuglar and odd words.
my strange habit and or rituals
1)i watch the intro movie in all my new games
2)i also sniff my new game and the book ( i have been doing this ever since i have seen it in a web comic)
3)i wipe the dust of the top of my wii even if there is none
and a lot more
Yea strangely I do it also. I've been doing it with Pokemon cards back in the day and stuff. Strange...
Well I guess we can safely say that Jordan has the dirtiest Game Boy in North America.Jaysonguy
Without going into detail, it's safe to say that my Game Boy is very clean. Gravity does its job.... :?
14. Check for scratchs before putting the game into the wii.Jesteroflies
I do this as well, though I didn't realize it until I read this. I do the same for DVDs. I guess I just want to make sure there isn't any fuzz or whatever before I put it in. Also, it always baffles me when I get a used game or see someone else's game all scratched up. It's not that hard to keep games from getting scratched....
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