So the summer gaming drought is upon us. so what games are we going to occupy ourselves with until the next good game which is around august. i was wondering what everyone is going to replay/finish/buy. and i was also wondering what game they are most excited for in august. (it doesnt have to be on the wii).
1. Finally beat MP2: Echoes. (still havent gotten around to beating it)
2. Finish SPM. (still havent gotten around to that either
3. when Paper Mario comes to the VC.
i am looking forward to Metroid Prime, Strikers, and Blue Dragon. how bout u?
I don't think there's much of a drought this year, on Wii in particular. Sorry.
1. (now) Finish MK:A (the Konquest mode and unlockable kreate a fighter stuff, anyway)
2. (now) Finish SPM (...)
3. (6/12) Consider buying Scarface, most likely will, then beat that.
4. (6/19) Finish RE4..again.
5. (6/25) Decide if this is FINALLY the harry potter game that is decent, and it really looks like it will be so far. IMO.
6. (6/25) Decide if the BIGS is worth it without online. Might have to hold off for online baseball, GC games fill this fine for now.
7. (6/25) If i do neither of the above, pickup PBR (not the god awful beer)
8. (7/10ish) Manhunt 2. Nuff said. Also, new potter movie, and book the week after, tho this isn't gaming related.
9. (7/10) Mercury Meltdown, since its a meager 20 dollars and i don't have a wii puzzler. Plus i hear its good.
10. (7/10-8/8) beat the games i haven't finished, probably all of the aforementioned, lol
11. (8/8-8/21) Trip to CA to see my sweetie.
then metroid. Busy summer for me!
Forgot to mention madden, most likely will get that, if the online is nicely featured.
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