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I want a challenge in Galaxy, everything about Sunshine felt too childish and easy. I'd also like to see the Wii-Mote used properly in one other games besides MP3.7arek
I thought Sunshine was easy also, except I couldnt get past the one stage where you have to use yoshi to jump from mushroom to mushroon under the level. The controls just werent that responsive.
I really like the atmosphere of sunshine, and I really hope that Galaxy can create a whole new atmosphere :)
The only thing I want to see is this:
At some point during the game, you're in Peach's castle. You enter a room and see a painting on a wall, so you jump towards it, but hit your face instead. Then the game (or Toad) says "Why did you try to jump through that painting? Are you an idiot or something?"
That's all I want to see happen.
sunshine is good, but galaxy is allready looking to be MUCH more of a true platform game. and that's how i like it.
Like the The bonus levels in sunshine .
I was really impressed by Sunshine, what id like to see is a better story, Sunshine was a little to linear, no real plot twisters.bubblepaul
they can leave the story exactly the same. Super mario games are not about the story
Sunshine was decent I was contempt cos' we never really got another Mario title on the Cube..sure plenty of sports titles & Luigi's Mansion (which was awesome) but for me and many others Mario hasn't had a true platformer since the 64 days which was more than 10 years ago.
So I think SMG will be the great Mario platformer we've looking for.
Sunshine was decent I was contempt cos' we never I really got another Mario title on the Cube..sure plenty of sports titles & Luigi's Mansion (which was awesome) but for me and many others Mario hasn't had a true platformer since the 64 days which was more than 10 years ago.
So I think SMG will be the great Mario platformer we've looking for.
New Super Mario Bros. dosent count?
Super Mario 64 is my fav mario game of all time.. then comes super mario world..I was not a big fan of sunshine..I really have high hopes for SMG...
Nintendo please dont let us down.
The only thing I want to see is this:
At some point during the game, you're in Peach's castle. You enter a room and see a painting on a wall, so you jump towards it, but hit your face instead. Then the game (or Toad) says "Why did you try to jump through that painting? Are you an idiot or something?"
That's all I want to see happen.
yes yes yes. and if it does happen goty for sure
I thought Sunshine was a fantastic game and THE absolute best platformer last gen, not to mention one of the best looking. But enough about Sunshine, Nintendo usually makes one Mario platformer per generation (with the exception of the NES) and the game usually sets the tone for the console. The Wii is most likely to see Galaxy as it's only True Mario game.
Since the Wii is Nintendo's Frankenstein, I expect Galaxy to be leagues better than both Mario64 and Sunshine, that in itself is an accomplishment.
I was really impressed by Sunshine, what id like to see is a better story, Sunshine was a little to linear, no real plot twisters.bubblepaula better story?? you mean one that wont make you vomit!?!:lol: seriously.. when the water gun talked to mario in a jail cel, i nearly threw the game out the window.
[QUOTE="bubblepaul"]I was really impressed by Sunshine, what id like to see is a better story, Sunshine was a little to linear, no real plot twisters.VendettaRed07a better story?? you mean one that wont make you vomit!?!:lol: seriously.. when the water gun talked to mario in a jail cel, i nearly threw the game out the window.
What do you mean, it was a good game, well worth buying a Gamecube on it's own.
Are you guy's all forgetting the missions where Mario must not use his hydro pack? Those were the hardest parts of the game.
If it's anything like sunshine...count me out.digiram79I have high hopes for Galaxy, but if it's anywhere near as gimmicky as Sunshine, then I will be terribly disappointed.
Fix the camera, lose playing the same level 6 times over in a slightly different way. I would like to see a return of the Secret levels, though.yodariquo
I would rather huge world instead of a "main world" and smaller worlds like Mario64 and Sunshine.
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