When the first ssb came out on n64 me and my friends would never deliberately keep someone from coming back to the stage when they fly off. To us, it was kind of like hitting them when theyre down. It just made the battles that much more intense when everyone is fighting with 200% damage. Even through Melee, where the tutorials actually encourage this tactic as part of the game, we didn't do it. Does anybody else feel the same way?
nah i love keeping people down...especially when I do it with skill and make it look pretty. My favorite characters are those who have those 'slam down' moves i.e. Mario, C. Falcon, Ganondorf, Samus, Kirby, Ness, DK, Marth (sometimes), Luigi (sometimes), Falco (sometimes), Yoshi, and anyone else I may have forgotten. have you seen this?
you want intense battles? do this thing you dont do. Believe me it takes balls. The amount of times ive jump off the stage to try and do what is possibly the most awesome thing in a game ever, to only fall to my death... is awesome. But when you succeed, you will feel like a god.
I do it with my friends but thats cuz they do it i liek you idea but it never really even occured to me to do it any other way. YOu have opened my eyes thank you
You're free to decide for yourself what constitutes a cheap shot, but you can't expect to hold other people to your high standard of fair play. In my opinion, if you're doing something the game allows you to do, you're not cheating. If the designers of Smash Brothers considered a certain move or tactic cheating, they would have left it out of the game. Blocking someone's view of the TV, or pulling the plug on their controller, that's where videogame cheating begins. Claiming someone is cheating, or being dishonorable means you're just being a poor loser.
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