I think they need to make New Super Mario WORLD next:D
Agreed and with 4 player just like this new one comming out for the Wii. Just plain awesomeness!!
You know I am excited for New Super Mario Bros, and the multiplayer will work great for that game. But for a new actual sider scrolling Mario game or, heaven's permit us, a new Super Mario World, then I wouldn't want any multiplayer. Co-op anyway. Those games from my 8 bit gaming youth were made great, as is, with just one player at a time going through words. With the four player element I feel it takes away fro the adventure feeling of the game. PLus it means that the game isn't able to be fully appreciated at it's maximum potential when you're playing alone. And that would be a shame.
I know what your saying, but IMO I think it wouldn't take away from the 1 player experience. If you want to play solo you could, but there's always somebody that wants to have multiplayer action together. I love Mario and alltheir doing is bringing more people to enjoy the game together and have a great time. Its nothing that sets the game backwards at all. It just gives people more options, and more options is a win-win for everybody. ;)
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