What is the best Online MP system for the Wii to date? For me, it is...Battalion Wars 2.
Now, keep in mind, I haven't played MKWii yet, and I have heard that is really, really solid online. I plan on getting it tomorrow, so my opinion might change. However, after playing SSBB, Endless Ocean, SM:Strikers, and BW2 online, I have concluded that BW2 is by far the best setup.
Well, for one, FCs are a lot less of a hassle. Yeah, they're still there and must be entered mutually before one can play with a friend online. However, the ability to automatically friend request a random person in any mode makes finding friends much more bearable.
Also, random matches are possible. You can play a random Co-op, Deathmatch, or Assault mode with a complete stranger(and be able to see his name), and also specify which map/side you'd like to play on as well in searching. Then, after the match, you always have the option to continue playing with the same person, again making finding matches painless.
Next, I have experience ZERO lag. None. In completely random Co-Op and Skirmish(DM) matches, there has been no lag whatsoever.
Finally, the unlockable maps for Co-Op/Assault/Skirmish via playing matches of each is a nice little rewards, almost akin to COD4/R6V's unlockables.
So, in my opinion, BW2 currently has the best Online system on the Wii, and should be drawn upon in all future Wi-Fi titles.
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