Plus some of my thoughts.....
Either Nintendo's servers or The Conduit's test servers were down for the event last night so multiplayer could not be shown (IGN is reporting Nintendo's servers were down, but I read it was The Conduit's test servers last night -- they may be one and the same).
Multiplayer Modes:
Free for All/Quick Match (match ends when a player reaches a set kill count)
Marathon (Free for All, kill as many as possible within set time limit)
Three Strikes (Free for All with only 3 lives)
Last Man Standing (Free for All with one life)
ASE Football (whoever is able to hold onto the All Seeing Eye the longest wins)
Bounty Hunter (take out a specified player/penalty for taking out wrong player)
Team Reaper Quick Match (match ends when a team reaches a set kill count)
Team Reaper Marathon (Free for All, kill as many as possible within set time limit)
Shared Stock (each team has a set number of shared lives)
Team Objective (capture the flag/ASE)
Grab the ASE?? (both sides fight for one Flag/ASE)
Edit (I can't count): Twomore unknown modes
There are basically 7 unique modes -- Free for All, ASE Football, Bounty Hunter, Team Reaper, Shared Stock, Team Objective, and Grab the ASE. Shared Stock isn't all that different than Team Reaper though, but different enough that I'm including it.
Missing is a mode where you capture or defend (depending on which side you're on) territory in a map, though the Grab the Ase mode could fill my craving for this.
"The Conduit's multiplayer will support the Wii Speak voicechatting peripheral. To cut down on the overwhelming noise of 12 players gabbing away at the same time, players will only hear the players that are close to them -- according to High Voltage, players will hear, at most, the six players closest to them during battle."
Other News: Cheap Trick founder and guitarist Rick Nielsen took an interest in the game and is composing songs/music for The Conduit (I haven't seen this mentioned before).
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