Their upcoming game line up..... is horrible. There are only like a good idk ... maybe 10 games or less coming out this year actually worth our money. It seems as if they are just putting games out there to make their game library grow.... -___-
It really bothers me.... to go to my local gamestore and i am just nodding my head as i browse through the selection.... my eyes occasionaly view the greats... such as final fantasy.... some of the srpgs... mario ... etc etc... Actually... don't get me wrong.. there are alot of games that are good for the ds. But the ratio is like 1:15 .... i think it's just getting ridiculous... to game makers strongly believe that they are going to make money by making this...
idk if this is out yet... but it looks bad
well... anyways.... you get the idea......
to me... there are just far too many of these games on the shelf........
do these people actually make money off of this?!?!?!?!?! idk... i know it's great for kids and all... but i never see a kid go ballznomick over these games.....
i've seen kids pour out there piggy banks for the next pokemon or digimon or yugioh.... not PETZ or zack and cody.... i'm just using these titles since it's easy to pick on them... and they are the most obvious and annoying to see.
anyways... later...
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