Zelda isn't even a "hardcore" series, it's a series that appeals to everyone. Phantom Hourglass was bad, but Spirit Tracks was actually very fun.
Hardcore doesn't mean hard or mature content, the main Zelda/Mario/Metroid games are the 'core' (hardcore) Nintendo games.
on topic; The DS Zeldas are not targeted to the casual crowd, they are just abit more accessible, in case a casual would pick it up they wouldn't have the same trouble getting into, and completing the game as they would with previous Zelda games. Games are becoming mainstreamed everywhere, this is just a part of that. Zelda games will not be as you remember them, in the future. Zelda TP is also the last 3D Zelda as we know it. Everything is getting mainstreamed, it does not mean the game is casual. If you don't know what that means look at CoD4:MW2 and compare it with MW1, it's dumbed down so that it becomes quick to pick up and play in order to get people with low attention spans playing it, this doesn't make the game casual though.
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