Yeah, yeah, I know there are a lot of threads about this, but, I haven't seen many polls. So, which are you most excited about? I'll even throw in two more games to the poll which are releasing soon.
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None right now not even the sequel to my favorite game ever, Super Mario Galaxy 2. Yet again I didn't start hyping SMG till a month before its release.
MURAMASA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! galaxy 2, NSMBW, metroid, all of them are pretty far away from the release date not sure about conduit tho altho my top three would arc rise fantasia, little king's story and monster hunter 3funsohng
I wish I could've made the poll bigger to include those games. :P
The Conduit releases on June 23rd, 2009.
[QUOTE="funsohng"]MURAMASA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! galaxy 2, NSMBW, metroid, all of them are pretty far away from the release date not sure about conduit tho altho my top three would arc rise fantasia, little king's story and monster hunter 3AjaxNeron
I wish I could've made the poll bigger to include those games. :P
The Conduit releases on June 23rd, 2009.
i meant im not sure if im hyping up for conduitSuper Mario Galaxy 2. Though New Super Mario Bros. Wii is cool too. I hope you can play as Mii's in that game :D
[QUOTE="funsohng"]MURAMASA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! raahsnavjWait... if you wanted that why didn't you vote for it? currently poll shows (top to bottom) 2, 13, 15, 1, 0... Or did I miss your sarcasm tag? i dont vote i feel voting is against my ethics it's not a democratic way of representing views of minority .... no i was just too lazy to vote actually
All of those games look amazing, but since the Conduit is coming out in two weeks (what what!) I'm pumped for that the most. Following that is NSMB because it's the first side-scrolling Mario game to grace a Nintendo home console since the Super Nintendo. Big deal. Don't get me wrong--I am really excited for SMG2 and MOM (heh. It spells mom), but they're a long way off. Galaxy is my favorite platformer of all time, and Metroid Prime 3 is my favorite Wii game. OH man. It's a good time to be a Wii owner.
I'm pretty interested in all of those, but this would be the order I'd place them in:
1. Super Mario Galaxy: Sequel to the best game on the Wii. 'Nuff said.
2. New Super Mario Wii: What can I say? I love Mario. :P
3. Murasama: The Demon Blad: I love the way it looks, both in terms of the graphics (art s-tyle)and gameplay
4. Metroid: Other M: To be honest, I've never actually completed a Metroid game before :oops:. But I've played a bit of the original, as well as Metroid Prime, and they were both good from what I've played. I'm more excited about the Prime Trilogy, since I haven't played about 99% of it, but this seems very promising, and I'm looking forward to learning more.
5. The Conduit: I like the look of it. Not as excited for it as the other games, and a bunch of games that aren't in the poll, but it looks pretty fun for a "generic" shooter, and I'll definitely check it out.
For me, it's a toss up between NSMBWii or Metroid but I have to say NSMBWii just because it'll be out at the end of this year while we have no idea when Metroid comes out. NSMBWii looks so great and I will probably never even play the multiplayer; it looks like an updated Mario world (and it has the koopa kids in it too!). Both games look absolutely amazing though.
For whatever reason, I have no desire right now to play Galaxy 2; I didn't even finish Galaxy 1. Not that is wasn't a good game; it just didn't "wow" me like other games have.
The sequel to my favourite game ever: Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Super Mario Galaxy 3 is coming out? :P
Mine is Metroid: Other M. I really didn't seen this coming. It seems like it will be a great new experience. I have always wondered what Metroid in 3rd-person point of view would be like. I cvan't wait.
The only thing Super Mario Galaxy 1 was missing was Yoshi, and now that they've taken care of that... well...I'mexpectingone of the best sequels in Nintendo history.
Super Mario Galaxy 2! But since its so far away,I guess The Conduit...but I'm hyping LKS more than anything:P
im more excited for metroid but since the conduit is almost out and since i reserved it i voted for it
I'm most excited for Super Mario Galaxy 2. The first game was a masterpiece and the moment I saw Yoshi in the trailer I almost peed myself with excitement. I'm also really excited for NSMBWii and Muramasa, moreso for NSMB though. The Conduit doesn't look all that great. It looks like the best shooter on the Wii, no question, but as a Wii60 owner, I've had more than enough of sci-fi shooters. Metroid: Other M is exciting only because of its title and graphics, but the trailer made it look very un-Metroid. I'd rather a new real Metroid game come out than Team Ninja's next action game coated in Metroid's colors.
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