So I looked after a thread like this here, but with no luck, if it is one, then its about time its re-made.
What I would like to know is what game YOU think is the absolute most addictive game on the DS!
After my experience there are a ton of them, and my opinion would be an all time ****c..
This game is always fun to play, and if it aint, it will be after a day or two, I would never give up my tetris!
But that's what I think, and that's not really interesting at all.
What is interesting is to get to know about all of the addictive DS games I have missed out on playing, so please! post the most addictive DS game you have played, feel free to describe why it is, and post photos too!
Have fun playing with... others!
PS. Spell check ftw!
Edit: I added this nice little poll here at request, if I could more games would be listed but this is it for now.
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