Lets do a quick eview of how Nintendo's going right now:
Wii, best selling onsole, Money out the A, ..........
wait, but only some good games.... why?
So they chucked graphics and good online play, as long as its for new gen, Im all
for that I guess, but honestly, where are my games?
I dont wanna play Cooking Mama, I dont wanna play Bleach,
and I dont wanna play PSP ported games to Wii ( which is honestly kinda sad to say in one sentence together )
Lets look at gamespots Top Ten:
1-RE4- Love it, bought it 2 years ago, bought it now for wii because it really is the only good adult game :(
2-Wario Ware- fun for friends together, but then what? shallow isnt it, not much depth to it, its 5 second minigames, which is fun, but not alone.
3- Paper Mario- ........... huh, great game, but this is that N64 stuff :(
4- Legend of Zelda OoT: AWSOME!!! wait but i played this when i was a toddler, whatsup? ( still my fav game )
5-Super Paper Mario : hey atleast its new,ill think about it.
6-twilight Princess- wow, this game is th3 aw3som3, rules!
7-Zack and Wiki-............. um what ?
8-Mercury - DUDE THATS A PUZZLE GAME!!! i mean i guess it good, but its just another psp franchise that came to us, cmon.
9-Metroid Prime 3 Corruption- Another good game, too bad its not enhanced by better graphics ( still has the best on the wii though) gameplays great though, so i luv it.
10-Super metroid- ...... hmmmmm, um? yeah, i guess this is good, but there should be a flood of games overshadowing this 20 year old nes game right? WRONG
Ok, now that i see this, im even sadder. Nintendo will only have 1st party greats, and once in a blue moon athird party classic, but usually its thord party failure/ jokes. Wheres my games, im hardcore, i want my REAL games, cmon. The only hardcore thing worth waiting for is SSBB, which is awsomeness by the way.now that i got that outta my chest, ill say this
Nintendo's consolefor 2010/11 shouldhave this:
* better graphics for the new system to catch up with the rest
* Take friends codes out, that is ridiculous
* have a relationship with acompany that'll actually bring quality to ur system
*Focus on hardcore again, and do it right
* get that money, go causual as well, but stop shoving it down our throats, we get it grandpa can play too
*Keep that control scheme, wiimote rules, but joypads dont suk either :)
*forgive me for being agry but i have a right to be
*Keep doing what they are doing with games :)
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