Lets go over some examples
LoZ:TP- Fishing was my major issue in this game. It worked fine, don't get me wrong....but when the screen tells you to "reel the line in" like a real fishing rod. It worked no matter what you did. (waggeling, flicking, a different circle than what was shown)
MP:3- The biggest/only flaw in this game imo was when going up to the switches, and turning them with the Wii Mote. It was an awesome idea adding the function to the game, but was unrealistic. Why would you use your right hand (Wiimote) for Samus' left hand? Imo, this could be solved by a simple solution. Next time, give Wii2's nunchuck an IR pointer and better accelometer/gyrometers. I understand that not all games would be using two pointers. But this is another way to make the game seem more realistic imo. Your left hand now becomes Samus' left hand, and the same goes for the Beam Cannon. You can now aim the Grapple Beam at enemies/switches/grapple points. Could you imagine shooting a pirate, grappling another, and whipping him into the other pirate???
No More Heros- The on screen actions indicated for finishing moves that require you to use both the Wiimote/nunchuk do not work correctly. You can basically do what ever your want with the Nunchuk, and the finishing move will still work.
Tomb Raider Anniversary- I love this game (so try it out). Through out the game, you'll find switches that you have to pull down (raising the Wiimote/nunchuk up, then slamming down like Lara would do). The funny thing is....the game does not actually require you to use the nunchuk what so ever.
These games are not bad games at all imo. But they could be even better or immersive if the nunchuk did what Nintendo/Game companies want it to do. Adding HD graphics, better AI, Physics, ect are all great and I'm sure Wii2 will upgrade on everything just mentioned, but just imagine being able to do exactly what you want the character to do? Think of how the baseball bat works in Wii Sports. How it flows smoothly, and add that to more in depth games like Metroid, Zelda, ect. It would simply rock.
Imo, this could be solved by a simple solution. Next time, give Wii2's nunchuck an IR pointer and better accelometer/gyrometers. I understand that not all games would be using two pointers. But this is another way to make the game seem more realistic imo. Your left hand now becomes Samus' left hand, and the same goes for the Beam Cannon. You can now aim the Grapple Beam at enemies/switches/grapple points. Could you imagine shooting a pirate, grappling another, and whipping him into the other pirate??? You could control Link's shield seperately insted of having it auto enabled (maybe while in targeting mode or something). Insted of flicking to throw a grenade in a game, imagine holding the A button, putting the controllers close together (to pull the pin) and then underhanding the grenade over a wall. Imagine having to actually cock the shotgun" in Resident Evil like in real life while running away from zombies. It would just add more realism imo.
what do you think?
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