UPDATE (9/6) No longer updating - Gamespot now allows you to post your Wii Friend Code conveniently in your profile, located in the right hand column. Because of this, there is no longer any need for this thread. New friend code topics will still be locked. You may still ask questions about Friend Codes, and I will try to keep the FAQ updated with any new functions that Nintendo adds in the future.
How do I find my Friend Code?
From the Wii Channel screen, go to your Message Board. Click on "Create Message," then go to your Address Book. If you haven't added any friends, your console number will be right there. If you have added friends, press the minus button and the console number will come up.
How do I add a friend once I have their code?
Click on "Register" in your Address Book, then click on the Wii icon. Type in your new friend's number in the box that pops up. Once you complete the information, your friend will not be available to message until he has also added you. Once you have both added each other, the name will become bold and clickable.
What can I do with friends?
For now, you can only message each other andshare Miis. You can send Wii Messages to your friends with similar online games to obtain their game-specific friend code or ID. Metroid Prime 3 allows you to share certain things (vouchers, screenshots, etc.) with people in your address book. See the Official thread for more details on that.
Note: Nintendo's online games give you a separate 12-digit code for each game. You must swap those codes in order to play people as friends; the Wii Friend Code has nothing to do with actual online competition.
*Please read the following instructions before posting in this thread*
Instructions - How Does this thread work?
- If you would like to add someone from the list, send them a Private Message (PM) requesting an add. Please respond to any PMs you get regarding your Friend Code! The only way this thread will work is if there is two-way communication.
- You can accept or deny any requests, but please let the person know your decision.
- If you no longer want your number listed, respond by saying you're no longer accepting friends.
The List
00Joseph00 - 4833-3494-1249-1164 (MP3)
105506 - 0477-1149-4496-6526
2good2betrue - 2089-7076-6080-8069
Ablasio - 1097-9129-7397-1174
ace_95 - 5188-1155-5663-8556
Action_Player - 2916-5860-3893-9424
adventureseeker - 5391-9147-4126-0054
AeRo619 - 4074-3054-4587-9316
afrolightning89 - 6253-9519-5654-5072
aganaster - 9000-5961-9228-8394
Agustin155 - 3065-4321-2355-3083
ahahaG - 7747-8449-6321-3302
air_wolf_cubed - 4022-0056-2918-5870
Allhailhochimin - 2880-7187-6708-3449
AlSharid - 3231-0243-5283-7155
anant8 - 4680-1892-6815-2209
AndJello - 1767-9391-4650-2021
andrewkozis - 4725-6754-8839-8943
andylhchen - 4739-5820-8919-1303
Arok213 - 7326-6871-4758-1258
AsadMahdi59 - 2404-1601-6820-6128
Awfulbassplayer - 1525-5867-9192-7366
awptimistic - 7860-9918-1658-3966
balls2wall - 3608-5221-4822-0494
baseballSGFkid - 5295-2409-3295-7779
bataco - 4301 8906 9619 1712
bball_freak_2 - 6715-2738-5688-0496
best2nothing - 4855-3978-6206-7912
bigguns14 - 3566-3144-3082-7311
bigmick07 - 3010-3859-7720-0476
black_ice23 - 5966-6046-8579-5290
bluefang2 - 1433-6919-0658-8769
blueteeth - 1205-0109-6984-0508
bluezy - 3754-3607-4907-5022
Boni - 5280-4562-7977-1713
boo_yeah - 3328-8166-9801-5348
brasilmichel - 4767-3792-5174-4460
brentgrodek - 6670-2596-8037-0645
BryantMC - 0603-1837-4422-4149
BubbyJello - 4207-2964-2390-2999
BVP16 - 6018-6524-7513-3872
canopener1 - 8813-5754-3177-8261
Canuck3000 - 1099-0532-8780-8764
CaptianPeachfuz - 1118-8829-1690-4822
CcJj09 - 2366-8307-6195-6878
champofcube15 - 1885-2339-3156-8766
ChiNito85 - 8109-4994-6319-6208
chris3116 - 1611-4670-4539-6043
christian1993 - 3746-7028-2246-1001
chsdrummerdude - 0879-1088-5149-0490
chucholucho - 7604-1171-0394-6606
CleitonSL - 7259-6607-2675-2741
cobrax80 - 6206-2831-8819-4955
Coleman2886 - 4244-7321-9772-7846
creepdogg1973 - 1660-8932-9421-4979
CronoStrife - 3111 0975 9161 5161
cubed10 - 2755-3706-8345-3333
cyee - 1781-8913-4768-8416
dalejr88 - 7132-0290-2914-3742
dark_ninja_324 - 5478-3455-8938-8786
darkslider99 - 5515-1429-5650-2814
davidhua - 6506-8605-6881-7370
Delongman - 5521-2591-5777-4016
DemigodDragid - 1942-3706-5323-2721
d_eM_s - 4552-6585-0223-0012
DerrickK81 - 3740-5308-2023-0728
dhwiids - 6531-0801-9138-1276
dirtycamel - 5852-2310-8234-8510
d-l-t-n - 5873-5146-2506-0363
draftrough - 1992-2422-0284-0770
DryvBy2 - 4626-7429-3004-2710
Duffman_X86 - 0701-3969-2921-2306
DXGreat1_HGL - 6981-4837-4811-7473
E10fonuts - 5159-5406-0242-8969
Eagles931 - 4145-0825-1396-9098
eguan - 4578-3475-4047-1719
EL_MEXICANO_TJ_ - 0151-2130-6143-9211
EndorusBolero - 1770-1252-8480-6219
EvilQ8 - 1093-5775-0645-9521
FlyinM_X - 1805-3220-0493-0130
fokbosnan - 8690-0779-7569-5258
fowler75291 - 6902-6573-7440-4571
frassefask - 0741-2650-6524-2444
fraz1776 - 8890-1300-3614-5954
gamerfreak2 - 4768-0503-4033-9256
gamester_1234 - 1913-8341-1877-8801
Garygok - 1169-4421-9816-3207
gmrndlze - 1323-8054-7029-7945
gorilazandgames - 7463-0475-2737-8736
Gorku - 3768-6637-6192-2876
goro23ky - 0699-2686-0510-3924
Goten_king - 5158-4035-0980-4601
grim653 - 3155-5268-8078-0103
hackett80 - 6465-6898-5124-3461
Hamsterkirby - 2641-6754-4407-0217
han_186 - 2379-9379-2836-7841
Hagfors - 6984-7076-5789-9896
-Hax0r- - 5130-9573-6011-5339
heavensch1 - 0483-2972-4837-0659
hfm_brian - 8623 0479 9817 7088
hidylan - 6628-5077-6647-2372
Hiowatha - 3848-2159-8506-5487
hurricanejeff1 - 1240-9208-8940-9108
ice_radon - 8534-4059-4646-1892
Ignignokt104 - 2306-3125-2523-3762
Ire-7 - 7298-5527-2935-3974
jackieS1212 - 2504-2020-6969-0342
jallwine - 4105-6107-1130-2019
JCMatrix - 3850-0665-7907-4876
Jehovanny - 6708-7422-8533-2063
jem_gal - 2531-6442-2632-6131
Jimmybones79 - 2675-7755-1059-7461
JLAudio7 - 6527-3164-2433-5279
jokerreko - 3834-5673-5080-4113
JonG1991 - 3840-1046-3738-3391
jordan2424 - 6631-7523-1219-8562
jpmz93 - 2574-9450-1287-9166
Jumpingjack2004 - 3122-5065-0110-7537
JustusK - 3476-6497-7432-9489
J-Zero94 - 5990-1376-5047-0860
Kaijin1 - 5862-5271-9278-7738
ken_drummer - 2056-7177-1509-2656
killa_tha_balla - 7836-8669-8524-2564
kiloslanga - 5115-4919-5467-4355
kingc1984 - 6556-9422-0575-3148
kingtahktahkhuk - 7012-1814-8992-9095
KJAX90 - 8866-3859-8046-0936
kkcoolman - 6493-1791-1833-2918
Kocanutz - 6748-2602-7947-1871
KoreanPork - 5542-2069-2116-6617
ktdc_lb - 8296-8076-8461-6165
lalolalona - 1627-9441-5058-9091
LINKthelegend2 - 7997-7956-5180-9228
lite__ds - 5755-4778-1729-2195
Lithavalon - 4338-6518-5812-0251
LOLhahaDEAD - 0372-2694-2455-3714
LProjektST - 6509-0386-5410-3074
Luigis_Landlord - 3338-1113-0927-0905
MagicalGandalf - 8204 5546 0559 7329
Makaveli913 - 6265-6439-3119-6366
maplesyrupnjam - 8228-6756-7887-5500
Mario1331 - 4535-0730-6062-2222
marioraider - 8226-4548-7879-3488
Mck2175 - 2226-0288-4904-9207
metalchris81 - 0776-8843-3488-6910
mexitalian - 7632-3812-0995-6058
mhd88 - 6812-4993-3352-9299
micallef23- 3261-1512-3309-7463
Midator - 0985-7414-8086-5316
mithrawnudo - 3840-0573-9274-2173
M_Karter - 8244-1367-2225-5381
moonlightway's younger brother - 1837-8846-0145-4403
mottaman4 - 1097-2389-6615-3141
movin_target - 8532-7896-6309-4025
mrmoeone - 6834-1030-1910-1857
-MuGgZ- - 3265-0603-5800-0148
musicman748 - 0057-0845-5817-5985
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