The official Wii game ideas thread.

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#1 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

Let's face it, whenever you look at the wiimote, you get inspired. So much potential So many great ideas. I know I feel that way.

So here's our chance! Post any idea, no matter how little. You could have a whole presentation figured out, or just one line explaining the game, or just a title and nothing else. Post your ideas, comment on others' ideas, whatever. Also feel free to talk about ideas for upcomming games. Talk about how you think the next starfox or zelda should play.

In other words, share wii related dreams.

I persoanlly have a million game ideas both Wii and Wiiware. I'll post one now, but I'll update with a new idea every couple days or so. I encourage others to do the same. Remember, game devs and publishers do surf may give them a good idea and see you game come to life!

So, my first game is....

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#2 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

Space Hulk

What is space hulk?Space Hulk is the c1assik board game from Games Workshop set in the Warhammer 40,000 world. The Space Hulk is an abandon space station infested with genestealers; the shock troops of the Tyranid hive fleets. It's the player's job to guide a squad of Space Marine Terminators (the heaviest armored of the space marines) though the halls of the hulk and clear out the infestation.

Genre: Strategy/Shooter (Wiiware)

Number of player: 1-2

Online: No

General Gameplay: The game is turn based. Each turn all the marines move then all the genestealers move. The player controls the marines, while the genstealers are AI controlled. During the marine turn, the player chooses where each of his marines will go by clicking on them. This will bring up a radius that the marine can move within. Once all marines have been moved, it becomes the genestealer turn.

The genestealers are not visible on the map. Instead, they are just seen as radar blips. Once a blip enters within line of sight of a marine, it is revealed as 0-10 genestealers.

Once revealed, the game goes into a first person view of the marine. The player then tries to shoot down all the genestealers in real time before they get their claws on them.

Clear out the level or achieve an objective to win.

Multi-player: In the malti-player mode, both players team up with their own squad of marines.

Controls: During marine turn (A selects, B cancels)
During genstealer turn (B shootss, Swing wiimote for melee attack)

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#3 Lto_thaG
Member since 2006 • 22611 Posts

I'm not sharing anything.Developers roam the boards.I've posted ideas before and they all end up in upcoming games.
They're making money off me :x

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#4 wetwilli64
Member since 2008 • 464 Posts

I've had a good idea for a while now. I don't want to divulge too much information, but I will say it starts with "Pikmin" and ends with "3".

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#5 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

I'm not sharing anything.Developers roam the boards.I've posted ideas before and they all end up in upcoming games.
They're making money off me :x


What are the chances you would ever make money off your idea at all? Might as well share.

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#6 kardine
Member since 2008 • 2863 Posts


I'm not sharing anything.Developers roam the boards.I've posted ideas before and they all end up in upcoming games.
They're making money off me :x


What are the chances you would ever make money off your idea at all? Might as well share.

Not to unlikely, because I said what if they had a game about a game underwater where everything was a fake utopia.

Six months later, Bioshock came out.

Coincedence: Probably.

Still, I do think I have some ideas, but I will share them with you once they are complete and I am a game developer.

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#7 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

First off, ideas are more than worthless. The world is full of great ideas, but they won't get you very far and few people care.

Also, the game industry just isn't full of theives. I know it's hard to understand when you look at things like the music industry or moviie industry which are both extreamly cut-throat...but the game industry is really mostly full of people passionate about games and aren't scouring the net looking for the next idea to steal.

Lastly, sharing and observing others ideas is the best way to grow as a designer and a artist. You should constantly look at other's works around you and let them influence you to be better.

With that out of the next idea.

End Times

Setting: Hell is bursting at the seams and the end times are near. Demons rise from the earth to drag the damned to an eternity of torture. You, John Harner, a gun store owner, have lived a sinful life and don't plan on going down so easily. There's no place for you in heaven, but at least you can fight off the twisted creatures and escape your terrible fate.

Survival Horror (Wiiware)

Number of players:


General Gameplay:
The game plays like the old Resident Evil games. As your player wanders from room to room and down city streets, the action is always viewed from a fixed camera. The entire game is IR based. A is the action button and it is used for everything. Press and hold it to move your character towards the curser. Point and press A to open doors, lockers, whatever. Point and press A to shoot enemies. Enemies can be hit at different locations, so aim for the head. If a demon grabs you, shake the wiimote to get them off.

Survive for three in-game days and the demons will return to the inferno, allowing you to live the rest of your life in peace.
Thoughts on pre-rendered backgrounds: Wiiware has a limited file size, and there's no way a fully rendered 3D city is going to fit on 40megs. Characters can be in 3D, but since this is a fixed camera game, pre-rendered BGs would be the way to go. This is how devs in the PS1/N64 era kept file size low.
But, since were in the modern day, it's probably time for some innovation in pre-rendered BGs. One idea is to animate them. It's not hard too since pre-rend BG's are just still images, and an animation is just a series of still images. This means the BG could be a cycle of images that are slightly different to create the illusion of trees swaying in the wind.

Another thought is multiple camera angles. You can't rotate a camera with pre-rend BGs. But, you could create multiple BGs from different view points. Pressing left and right on the d-pad would simply replace the BG with a new one from a different angle, and rotate all the character models accordingly. This would allow you to see places you couldn't before.

Multi-player: None

A is the action button. Left and Right on the d-pad changes camera. + and - both pause and go to an item menu. Melee-shake wiimote.

Note: This game isn't really a fully thought out idea, but it's a good draft.

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#8 kardine
Member since 2008 • 2863 Posts
Let this thread die. Posting ideas is better for a blog. You will get more feedback/response there.
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#9 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

Let this thread die. Posting ideas is better for a blog. You will get more feedback/response there.kardine

Nope. Don't like it, complain to you local mod.

Besides, unless you're a famous dev blogs get zero traffic. And this is supposed to be communal, not my personal soap box.

The point is, this board gets like 5-6 game idea threads a day, and this is an attempt to consolidate them.

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#10 so_hai
Member since 2007 • 4385 Posts
I'm not sharing anything.Developers roam the boards.I've posted ideas before and they all end up in upcoming games. They're making money off meLto_thaG
Make up some false ideas and get them back!
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#11 so_hai
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One of my GREAT ideas is an over-the-shoulder Castlevania title. The game is cel-shaded and you have a talking-whip. It has a posh English accent and gives you hints and tips. Another idea I have is an F-Zero race/track manager. You invest in the stock market, purchase metals and realty in order to build tracks. There is no racing at all, and Captain Falcon wears a suit and tie. When he holds a staff meeting he says: "Falcon Boom!" and he punches the other board members. And finally my idea for a Star-fox puzzle game is bound to be a hit. Rotating slightly different gray-colored rings, players must clear a "planet" in the Lylat system. Now, Fox and Falco work for Andross as cybernetic slaves. Please make the cheque out to So_hai c/o Gamespot.
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#12 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

Army Ants

Setting: Two ant colonies battle over the picnic leftovers! Comman an army of ants and bugs over the half eaten hills of sandwhichs and cake! Send wave after wave of mindless drones to secure that soda pond!

RTS (Wii)

Number of players:

Online play:

General Gameplay: Army Ants is a traditional RTS. It's designed as a bridge game so it's realy not meant to be as intensive as a PC RTS. It's meant as a simple gateway for casuals, non-gamers, and console only gamers to get into the RTS genre. Each game has both sides start with an ant-hill as their HQ to build units from. Moving worker ants out to gather resources lets players build units. Dead units can also be collected as resources as well.

Games are meant to be fast and objective based.

The units are:

Worker Ant - Basic drones who gather resources and hold objectives. Workers aren't useful in combat, but are cheap and required to win.

Warrior Ant - Combat ants that are designed to attack infantry.

Rocket Ant - These ants designed to attack tank bugs.

Scout Bug - A flying ladybug. This is a fast tank meant to attack enemies quickly and retreat.

Battle Bug - A giant snail with cannons. This slow moving tank is just a beast.

Siege Bug - A stagg beetle designed to attack ant hills.

Each game, players vote for the map and objective when playing with strangers. If playing with friends (friend codes required) then players may choose which map and objective to play.

The objectives are:

Capture the Flag - Find your colored flag and return it to your base to win. Only worker ants can hold the flag.

King of the Hill - Hold the center of map for 30 seconds. Only worker ants can hold the center.

Search - the objective is hidden somewhere in the map. Find it and hold it for 15 seconds to win. Only worker ants can hold the objective.

Siege - destroy the enemy ant hill to win.

All Out War - Whichever player racks up the most kills in 2 minutes wins.

Multi-player: Online only

Wiimote/nunchuck. A is the unit selection button. Using the IR pointer, press A on a unit to activate it and again to give an order. You may also hold A and drag a box to select multiple units.

B is the cancel button.

The control stick selects orders. The orders are placed in a wheel like in trauma center. This means the game can handel up to eight simple orders.

Hold Z to change the control stick to pan you view around the map. Clicking on the mini-map will also change your view. In control options, players may set up a dead zone if they want to move their view around by moving the curser to the endge of the screen.

Hold C to rotate or zoom camera. (a useless but common feature in RTS games.)

If multiple units are selected, you may press a direction on the d-pad to assign them to that button. This way you may organize your units for quick mass selection.

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#13 KungfuKitten
Member since 2006 • 27389 Posts

Mechwarrior game with one or two wiimotes(M+) as joysticks.

Shortest idea EVER.

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#14 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

Mechwarrior game with one or two wiimotes(M+) as joysticks.

Shortest idea EVER.


That would be cool. Throw in balance board support for foot pedals. :D

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#15 kardine
Member since 2008 • 2863 Posts

[QUOTE="kardine"]Let this thread die. Posting ideas is better for a blog. You will get more feedback/response there.goblaa

Nope. Don't like it, complain to you local mod.

Besides, unless you're a famous dev blogs get zero traffic. And this is supposed to be communal, not my personal soap box.

The point is, this board gets like 5-6 game idea threads a day, and this is an attempt to consolidate them.

Its not that I dont like it, its that I am giving advice. Look, you are the only one posting ideas and the your keep resurrecting this thread. >.>
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#16 Halcyon670
Member since 2008 • 48 Posts

well, now im inspired.

what genre is the Wii exceptionally good for? and yet very little has been done with it? First Person Shooters!

My idea has been inspired by both L4D and the wiiware title Onslaught (never played onslaught, just read about it)

Title Pending

Concept: a cooperative game in which multiple survivors (probably soldiers) work together to fight alien hordes. and not like the bugs in onslaught. like the things in Alien. Teamwork is crucial in this game, which cannot be beaten by one person alone.

Online: Duh.

Number of Players: 4-10

Also, we need mics for this kind of thing. and dont be afraid to make the action brutal. that makes for a more intense gaming experience.

this idea isnt perfect. i just made it up in the last 2 minutes. i think it could work though.

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#17 Mokisthebest
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ok.. here go's It's a wiiware title in which you're player automatically moves, and you are in a skyscraper way at the top, and hordes of aliens flying and walking come through trying to kill you, you unlock new guns with money and there are different weapons. Aliens can fly straight at you making the action more fast paced, with M+ there could even be sword fights.... hmm so many ideas maybe it wouldn't be a wiiware title. Maybe puzzles in which you can move. and you eventually get out and roam the streets, now you can walk on your own. YOu can take cover, and stealth is an option, although flying enemys can still swoop down and kill you. It would be very open world when you eventually got outside, and there is a level up system and unlockable magic.... wow thoughs ideas came in my head has i was typing. There is a co-op mode for this.
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#18 goblaa
Member since 2006 • 19304 Posts

well, now im inspired.

what genre is the Wii exceptionally good for? and yet very little has been done with it? First Person Shooters!

My idea has been inspired by both L4D and the wiiware title Onslaught (never played onslaught, just read about it)

Title Pending

Concept: a cooperative game in which multiple survivors (probably soldiers) work together to fight alien hordes. and not like the bugs in onslaught. like the things in Alien. Teamwork is crucial in this game, which cannot be beaten by one person alone.

Online: Duh.

Number of Players: 4-10

Also, we need mics for this kind of thing. and dont be afraid to make the action brutal. that makes for a more intense gaming experience.

this idea isnt perfect. i just made it up in the last 2 minutes. i think it could work though.


Any thoughts on control? Would prolly be best for a retail game...sounds too big for little -ol-wiiware.

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#19 Halcyon670
Member since 2008 • 48 Posts

probably Metroid Prime 3 style control. except for the auto-aim. that wouldnt work that well against a horde.

Oh, and i have one more idea.

-Metroid Prime Hunters 2

-Concept: Single-player pending.

Multi-player: Revamped and advanced version of the multiplayer in Metroid Prime Hunters. Many more maps, characters, game modes, etc will be needed. and mics.

-Online: once again, duh.

-No. of Players: at least 16 max.

-Controls: look to the Metroid Prime Series. Im sure theyll figure out something.

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#20 SoraX64
Member since 2008 • 29221 Posts

Some good ideas...Quick, someone call in the Devs! :P

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#21 JediMasterSamus
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I have a great idea for a metroid game.:D

I think it would be awesome if nintendo made a co-op metroid game, it would be the greatest. In the game both people playing could play Samus. There would be two of her though because her molecules or something would get split and cause there to be two of her. Then she goes on a journey to restore herself to normal. Each Samus would maybe have half the normal expansions and half the health. Also, just think of all the cool stuff that you could do with two Samus's. Like maybe a door is really far away from the switch you scan to open it and you only have a certain amount of time to go through it, then one Samus can scan it and the other can go through. The other Samus can then scan the door switch from the other side so the first Samus can get through. There are also a lot more possibilities for a game like this, just think. I think it should have an online multiplayer too, like metroid prime 2, but better. I think this game would be extremely awesome!!!!!!! :D

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#22 -katamarina-
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I seriously think they should make MX vs. ATV: Untamed for the Wii. just turn the Wiimote sideways and your good to go :)

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#23 yeahyeahbigN
Member since 2007 • 1345 Posts
Wii MotionPlus+LucasArt stop wasting time and make this=A Star War game with Light Sabers.
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#24 blankshore
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Dude I've got this idea where you do like, all sorts of stuff!

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#25 BrunoBRS
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that's a nice topic i never heard of before. thanks for reviving it :D there's one specific idea id like to keep for myself (i actually plan on releasing it someday :P). but i'd love to see a wiiware game in which the stages were enormous quick-time events. they could involve shaking, timed button pressing (but many buttons, for a challenge), pointing and shooting, some random action, etc. of course, just random button mashing wouldnt be fun enough (even though guitar hero is just pressing buttons with timing and everyone likes it), so it would need some freedom. maybe some extra actions that you can do, alternative paths, etc. and of course, the "scene-stages" would be epic, cel-shaded nonstop action, and if you miss something, then something in the character's action goes wrong, but you can try to fix it by doing something (like an alternate quick-time to save yourself). each button would do something specific, so you actually have what to expect when you press the button (like, a is sword, if the character uses a sword). it would need different characters (maybe something like 5) with different weapons, and at least 40 stages. depending on the character, the stage action goes different. sure, doesnt use the wii's powers to the max, but sounds like the kind of the game to be released on the wiiware. and obviously, it would have many changes throughout development, like all games. but that would be the main idea.
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#26 jorler333
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Some sort of Star Wars Duel game. If it used the Motion Plus it could be very fun. I think it might already be in the proccess though!

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#27 striking_
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I always thought a cool game would be like one where your character (a human)is the size of an ant and you could explore the backwoods, it would be a kind of action/adventure/sandboxtitle. Although the world would be nonlinear in appearance there would still be puzzles to solve and items to find that would make surviving easier and more land accessible One idea i had is that you could use a leaf as a parachute from high places and move other items you have and you can climb certain stocks to get higher and even land on birds and manlipulate them to fly where you want. The puzzles would involve things like pikmen where you have to weigh things down and get things out of your way. In this sense the game would be linear because you need to use items like the leaf i mentioned above to keep moving forward. It would have to be a retail game due to the size of the world. It would not have a realistic look like deadly Creatures but a cel- shaded look kind of like windwaker is how I imagine it giving it a charm that keeps people playing. I don't quite have a grasp on the controls yet however I would like the pointer controls integrated.