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Power to the consumer
While I love Nintendo they can mind their own business when it comes to what anyone else does. These days there's more then enough places to research games even for the most novice of users.
Also stores have return policies so if Grandma get you Escape From Bug Island you can return it and get a game you prefer.
well duh, but i thinking of the un-informed casual and his mum who sees harry potter 5...metalisticpain
Or you can do what I do. Hang out at gamestop all day and punch anyone who buys a movie game in the face.
well duh, but i thinking of the un-informed casual and his mum who sees harry potter 5...metalisticpain
It's their own fault for being uniformed and wasting their money, and Nintendo shouldn't have to have the responsibility of informing them on the quality of the games that they buy.
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