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Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, and the Baten Kaitos games are good RPG offerings, and pretty much anything from Nintendo (Mario, Metriod, Zelda) is usually worth your money.
Eternal Darkness and Ikaruga are some excellent oft overlooked games, and the Paper Mario sequel is one of the best games of last generation. If you were to buy only one game, I would reccomend that one.
Eternal Darkness
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
Resident Evil 4
paper Mario
Prince of Persia trilogy
Burnout 2
F-Zero GX
Killer 7
Pikmin 2
Beyond Good and Evil
***Metal Arms: Glitch in the System*** This is a freaking awesome game....hecklemonkey
tales of symphonia
smash bros
soul calibur 2
veiwtiful joe 1 + 2
baten kaitos 1 + 2
mario sunshine
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