Man if you think about it, the Virtual Console should have been it's very own console. Couldhave came packaged with a classic controller, anditcould have came with an internal hard drive, with say, 10 to 20 GB - and they would have so probably as much as the Wii. Heck, alot of people buy the Wii not even knowing about the Virtual Console. Not to mention, if you dont have an internet connection for your Wii, you really dont even use the VC. Also, if they madea console strictly dedicated to the Virtual Console, there would probably be alot more downloadable games on there. They could have sold it for $150 and still kept the Wii at $250 and made all kinds of money. Oh well though, I just wish more people knew about the VC.
Also since every single customer gets emails and messages in their Wii from Nintendo about the Virtual Console I can safely say that 100% of users know about it.
I AGREE WITH YOU GUYS...that wouldnt have worked so well....considering you can still buy classic consoles for cheap cheap cheap. aaaaand the VC looks alot better on wii, cause they make cash selling games from the VC. so it all evens out...if the VC was a different console then thats just 1 more thing for us to buy.:)
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