The Wii only has one thing against it.
Sometimes, every so often, most times, almost always, etc....
Those are the words that are used to describe the controls and how often they work on the Wii.
Gaming is entertainment that relies almost entirely on precision. THe exact point where you jump, shoot, duck, run, dodge is the main part of playing games. When users play games they want the games to react to controls perfectly.
Experienced gamers have grown up knowing that the controls are supposed to always work the way they're intended and new gamers want to know that this new hobby is more then just mashing a few buttons hoping they get the desired result.
On the Wii though the controls don't always work. That makes gaming impossible because not only are you fighting whatever element is in the game but you're also fighting the controls.
Granted, the Wiimote is new technology for a console but devs should either make sure the controls always work or don't add them at all.
If you had a keyboard and the enter key only worked 9 out of every ten times you pressed it you would call that broken.
On the other hand a developer sells a Wii game where the controls respond 9 out of every 10 times and they call that a finished product.
This is the only thing that needs to be improved on the Wii. There's other things that people complain about but most of that comes down to personal preferences on each individual issue.
The control issue is universal, there is not one Wii owner who has not felt the sting of non responsive controls.
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