OKAY the 3ds is not perfect. Even tho its my fav handheld it has SOOOO much potencial heres some of the things that wud make the 3ds better.
1CIRCLE PAD UGHH!!!!. A second cicle pad on the sysem. ok now yes they have the circle pad pro bt its dumb that we have to buy the attachment to make a standard control scheme in modern games today bt i digress
2.EMULATER CITY!!! why cant nintendo release a shatload ok their classics on most systems snes gba gbc gb nes they could easily put n64 games they just want money. just think thats free money to them banking on old content .GENIS why nintendo why
3VOICECHAT!! ok why the eff hasnt nintendo implemented voicechat ok heros of ruin big woop i want mariokart 7 super smash bros itl be insane
4DLC!!!!!! ehem ok alot of you might be like WAHH dlc no no bt just imagine having the origanal manson as dlc for luigis manson dark moonn or mariokart 7 dlc EVERY RETRO TRACK EVER!!!!!! IM not the opnly one who wud pay for that come on nintendo DO IT DAMNIT!!!
5BETTER INTERNET BROWSER!!!! hmm u guys wanna hear a joke ??? anybody .... ok 3ds browser HAHAHA LOL LOL>> not really bt yea its trash FIX IT.. NOW
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