Well, to answer why weapons aren't able to equip to your guys: would probably be the fact your trying to equip a weapon onto someone who can't use it. Depending on who your trying to equip, such as character who is a Black Mage or someone who is a Monk, they can only use specific equipment that fits their job. For instance a Black Mage can only be equipped with Staffs (or rods) while, say, a warrior can not be equipped with one. Instead you equip him/her with swords.
Mages: Staves, (I can't remember if they equip bows or not)
Warriors: Swords (maybe axes, can't remember)
Monks: Gloves or better yet just nothing at all
Red Mages: I believe they can equip a versitle about of things
Thieves: Daggers
(there are more Jobs later on that use different weapons as well)
If you find that your struggling in defeating a boss, your best bet is to go back, beat up enemies for awhile, level up and then try again. Make sure, also, that your using the best equipment available for your party; that'll ease the pain of beating them, epically if for instance that boss has a certain weakness, for instance attacks that are embedded with fire, use that piece of weaponry or skill. Note that this game in paticular has a bit of level grinding, so if your pretty new to RPGS, you may be doing a bit or a lot of running in one room just to fight a bunch of monsters. Depending on the person this can be entertaining or very tedious. Thats up to you to find out.;)
Also it's vital to have a well balanced party. A party full of warriors with no healer could be pretty hard to use. Its best to mix it up and take jobs that can help one another or at least one of each to exploit foes weaknesses. Just mess around with it and find what you think is suitable to your playing style; though it does seem some jobs are more important over others. Really I found theives to not being worth the use, but hey, you might.
When in doubt though and it seems all else fails, use a walkthrough.:P
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