[QUOTE="Shayde_Shadow"] Well considering that Metroid is a popular first-party franchise from Nintendo, and Nintendo are a Japanese company, I would go so far to say that they probably DO enjoy Metroid.
On the contrary, Metroid is pretty well-known for not being all that popular in Japan. Heck, even outside of Japan, the series rarely ever gets the success that the quality of its games justify. As far as quality goes, it's a clear first-tier franchise for Nintendo, but when it comes to sales, it's drops down the list much like a rock. Anyway, to add to the topic, it is nice to see that the Wii version of Metroid Prime has been given some "bonuses," even though I'm not quite sure it'll still top the bonuses the original GCN version had. Obviously, Nintendo's not going to have the NES Metroid as an unlockable, as it gets in the way of the Virtual Console sales. I'm curious to know what Nintendo will do to replace this, if anything.
Well, I just like to say that you've made me change my view. You make a really good point, and I admit defeat.
I wonder what they will add as far as extra content goes as well, with the original Metroid a great bonus in the original. Maybe they'll include it as a free download from the VC, but I seriously doubt it.
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