This is a topic on the Wii boards because most of these guys are showing up on virtual console titles and quite a few wii titles. These guys deserve a spot on the coolest Nitnendo characters list, Three of these guys today are from the Starfox games and today I bring you the special Yoshi at number 11.
Yoshi: Originally from Paper Mario Thousand Year Door
Take everything cool about one yoshi and make it 20X cooler. This yoshi was the coolest of all yoshis. He's got a mohawk and heck he looks like he can take on the world. Don't mess with this Yoshi because he kicked some tail in thousand year door and made you run faster. He talks cool, walks cool, and even fights cool. With all these awesome moves he is the bomb. Think twice before messing with this little guy.
#10 it's superman! it's a plane! NO it's
Falco Lombardi: Originally from Starfox SNES which I hope is on the VC soon but the N64 game on the VC is out.
Falco talks cool and he helps you dog fight and that's pretty awesome. He looks pretty cool too and is probably fox's best friend (or atleast I think so) and Fox is cool. Falco is also a bird that can even talk let alone dog fight. If it wasn't for Melee he probably would be somewhere in the twenties, that's how much cooler it made him. I hope Falco makes a smashing return in Super Smash Bros. Brawl coming to the Wii! Falco will always be cool no matter what (unless Nintendo gave the rights to PHILIPS)
#9 He's a wolf!
Wolf O'Donnell: Originally from Starfox 64 which is now on the Wii's Virtual Console
Wolf has a good taste in fashion and clothing for coolness. Wolf is a bad ass pilot that always tries to screw up Star Fox's team. He is always getting in the way and everytime he made an appearence on the Starfox games he was in, he was always very cool. He's NASA's worst enemy and they should still be terrified of Wolf O'Donnell. He also has a funky last name which gives him a few coolness points. Did I mention his space ship just looked absolutely amazing? Wolf is really cool and can dog fight really well.
#8 The leader of the bunch
Fox: Originally from Starfox (SNES) I really hope that game comes out on the Wii Virtual Console.
Fox is so much cooler then any character in the Starfox series and let me explain. James McCloud (fox's father) was cool because he formed the Starfox Team and he wore some cool sunglasses thus making his son so much cooler. Fox is now the current leader of the Star Fox team and he can kick Wolf's ass and Andross' head any day and shouldn't be messed with. Fox has cool clothes and some cool gear and equipment. He is also making his third appearence in the Super Smash Bros. Series returning in Brawl coming to the Wii! Fox is really cool and is the best dog fighter in the universe other then Michael Vick. FOX MCCLOUD IS COOL!
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