This is a topic on the Wii boards because most of these guys are showing up on virtual console titles and quite a few wii titles. These guys deserve a spot on the coolest Nitnendo characters list, tonight it's a real shocker and it's the ones you thought you'd see in the top ten. 30: Pit 29: Diddy Kong 28: Sheik. #27 the face of Nintendo.
Mario: Originally from Super Mario Bros. (NES)
This plumber is the coolest one ever in the world. He's so awesome I mean come on he can crush an enemy with his own fudgin body weight. Also he jumps higher then michael jordan and that's saying something. Plus what person can shoot fire balls out of his own HAND! He is also having a journey in outer space, since when did plumbers become astronauts? I don't know but he looks very cool and more awesome then ever. Did I mention he gets to save a princess like everyday! Dang that guy is pimpin.
#26 I can hear the fanboys being shocked now
Link: Originally from Legend of Zelda (NES)
Link is just so awesome he definitely deserves to be on the list. He has awesome items like a clawshot, bombs, a bow, and a spinner? Anyway he also has an awesome sword and in every Zelda title he has a kick butt shield. This guy doesn't have the best fashion but he saves a lot of princesses with the same name. He also has some killer boots mahn (iron botts, hover boots). Link is flat out cool and he isn't that high on the list because there are cooler characters then him. I know it sounds insane but hey there are. Keep the suspense building.
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