What 5 games are you hyping for 2008? Here's my list:
5. Endless Ocean (Jan 21)
Looks beautiful, and I'm a fan of non-game games
4. No More Heroes (Feb 5)
I never picked up Killer 7, but this looks interesting
3. Wii Fit (Q1)
I need to drop those holiday pounds and trick myself into having fun doing so
2. Mario Kart Wii (Q1)
MARIO KART!!!!! Hopefully it recovers the magic of Mario Kart 64 while building on Double Dash
1. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Feb 10)
The single best reason for picking up a Wii in my opinion. I've logged hundreds on the previous iterations and I've had fun beyond measure playing them... hell, I even played in 2 tournaments in college!
Frankly all I need is Mario Kart and Brawl to make me happy I bought a Wii.... :D I was sorely disappointed by the brawl delay... but I guess late is better than never. Heck, I'd buy it twice, one incomplete and one complete game, that's how much I'm ichin' for this game. Spore would have made the list, but I'm picking that up for the PC instead :)
Edited to include brief reasoning
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