Ubisoft has 8 games coming to the wii u. And three of them I want. Them being ZombiU, Rayman Legends, and Assassins Creed 3. And they all look like they work well with the wii u controller. Nintendo though I don't know. I am never played pikmin and the fact they are saying play it with the wiimote makes me wonder why they could not have just kept it on wii (graphics were not needed). And NSMB U does not look like it uses the controller outside of multiplayer. With two of its big games they are already ignoring the selling point of the system. Ubisoft seems to get it but not nintendo. And I don't want to get into nintendoland because if I do I know I will be banned. I want to see core games from nintendo that use the controller to make new experiences, not have to hope that third parties (which are few and far between) gets it before nintenodo.
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