[QUOTE="Gaticus"] [QUOTE="PlasmaBeam44"]It's a really lame feature there to just sqeeze more money out of you. Generic_Dude
It's actually really ingenius, since you could use them as like birthday presents for your friends or as tourney prizes. So, no it's not a lame feature, check mii out is a lame feature but not the gifting feature.
*sigh* Fanboys... think that everything Nintendo does is ingenious, even when it's clearly aimed to suck more money out of you for their overpriced VC system. Is it also ingenious that they have the prices arranged so you'll inevitably left with points on the account? No refunds, of course. Once in a while, I'd like to see an objective opinion around these boards... unfortunately, I think anyone who has one gets modded these days.
Here's a huge flaw with your statement. You call him a "fanboy" and imply that people like him "think everything Nintendo does is ingenious". Yet, he stated in his post that the Check Mii Out Channel is lame (not "ingenious").
I know it's tough reading a full 2 sentences, but it is helpful sometimes.
The problem with some people is that they expect every update to be the end all be all of updates, that some huge thing is coming that will give them everything for nothing. I myself just assume that every update will suck. That way, if I'm wrong, I'm pleasantly surprised. Otherwise, at least I'm not disappointed..
And this gifting feature, though nothing earth shattering, is a good idea. Especially for the adults who have friends/family that are Wii owners. It will make shopping for those friends/family a lot easier with no shipping charges (yes, I've mentioned the no shipping charges before, but considering most of my family are several states away, it's a big deal for me. I hate shipping presents...).
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