I was searching Ebay for a Copy of MP3 because if I bought it from a local retailer it would cost me 20 bucks more than the MSRP So I found some Auction for an early release copy.
The auction ends tomorro and I think it Will ship in about a day. Im not too good at reading between the lines but If any one can divulge his discription for anything misleading then go ahad and Inform Us.
If this is conisdered advertising please tell me ASAP and I will remove the link and If you want it Ill pm it to anyone or you can just Search for it on EBAY...AGAIN THIS is not mine I just found it and I thought someone in the commmunity here would benifit or would like to know.
This is advertising because your link is to an ongoing auction. It may or may not be illegal; that's a moot point as far as this thread is concerned.
- -Elraptor.
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