Have you guys checked the Wii site lately? They have been having teams talk about certain features on the Wii such as the photo, news, weather, and mii channels. Well now they have one on the Browser where they talk about the basics, u know, what they were thinking about in development, what they're plan was, stuff like that. They also talk about some of the new features that'll come with the final version. check it out here: http://us.wii.com/story_internet.jsp
Or if your just lazy and don't wanna read all that, I'll post some main points on new features.
"The full version will come equipped with a search button, making it even easier to look things up about what you have just seen on TV."
"And just so people can gather around in front of the TV and have fun, the full version can display cursors of multiple Wii Remotes. You still can only control the Channel with the first Wii Remote, but now others can use the cursors to point at things on the screen, to communicate where they want people to look on the screen, or where they want the person with the first Wii Remote to click."
"First, there are now two types of zoom in the full version. The first type is the same as the one that was in the trial version, where it automatically determines the zoom level and zooms the area where the cursor is. The new second type in the full version is a multi-level zoom feature, where it can zoom in on the page in set zoom levels. Customers are now able to choose the one they like better from these two zoom types."
"We're using a feature called "Outline Font" in the full version, so the words will never be blurry no matter how much you zoom in on them."
"The new scroll feature works by pressing the B Button, and depending on what part of the screen your pressed it, and the direction and the distance you move the cursor, it will change the scroll speed"
"Also, the new scroll feature will display a guide from the moment you press the B Button, so it's easier to tell in what direction and how fast you're scrolling."
"...we were able to shorten the initial startup time by more than five seconds, and the Favorites menu can be used right away once it opens, even if you added a lot of sites to it."
"In the full version, the toolbar displayed on the bottom of the screen will be equipped with an auto-hide feature...our customers are able to choose from different modes like the one where the toolbar will hide automatically after a while, and where the toolbar will hide away with a press of a button."
"At this time, Wii is not compatible with an external keyboard because of concerns like cost issues, but I do think it would be useful for text input, and it's definitely something to think about in the future."
There's more to read, and I know this is a lot as it is, but if u really wanna know about the browser, u should read the whole interview thing, or at least most of it.
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