Well its sort of where the Wii-U should be at, but its always nice to know that developers aren't just porting over current gen versions and are actually optimizing for the Wii-U. Also the Wii-U daily article is actually wrong. The guy actually compares it to the PC, and doesn't mention Xbox One or PS4. Here's the direct quote,
"If you pump the PC to its maximum there are things in the filtering and rendering that I think are possible on high-end PCs that are pretty amazing. Wii U is pretty much in-between its neither of them, not current-gen, maybe closer to current-gen than next-gen."
So there you have it. Its too bad there's still no Wii-U gameplay, but hopefully that releases sooner rather than later. I'm also interested in the gamepad features, I'm hoping for some good gamepad integration, Ubisoft did emphasize gamepad features earlier. I guess we'll find out eventually. Are you guys interested in Watch Dogs for Wii-U?
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