I know everyone will say Virtual Handheld so lets get that outta the way
1. Real DS demos. I mean a whole new menu system for the DSi only as far as download play. For DSi systems only, separate the demo's we download from stores or Nintendo channel into a separate section of the DSi menu where you can actually store the demo's on the DSi's internal memory so you can keep them.
2. Make a Nintendo Channel for the DSi. With DS, DSiWare game trailers and demo downloads
3. Make the SDHC card slot read more than 2.5GBs of data. To my knowledge, at least DSi Sound won't read more than 2GBs or so of music off the card.
4. some way (goes for Wii too i guess) to transfer your DSiware purchases to another DSi if you upgrade to XL, change colors, whatever. Even if this means you have to link your original DSi's serial number through Club Nintendo, then link all DSiWare purchases to Club Nintendo, then go on CN and say you own a new DSi and add its Serial Number , something some way to do this. Nintendo is so big on upgrading the handheld yet we're tied to our DSi's and can't upgrade.
5. DSiWare demo's as well, and DSi shop needs to be revamped to be more organized and more pleasing to navigate.
Your ideas?
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