I have just seen how bad the Lost Winds (especially bad, complete lol worthy nonsense) and Boom Blox reviews are, they read like they were put together in a rush and with a lack of respect for the platform and for the games in question. They lack the acknowledgement of what they both attempt to do, and in FACT do so very well. Both those game are getting 9s on other sites and rightfully so, 1up who are notoriously harsh on Wii games gave Boom Blox a A+, yet here one is considered mediocre and the other just good, when it is clearly excellent game bar it's dodgy art. I am starting to not read many reviews on site, not just Wii ones, I used to read reviews straight away but now I will scroll down to see who it's reviewed by because I am not going to take some interns review as credible, nor should anyone else. Kevin is cool, but these new guys are crap imo, if this is the standard they are capable of showing in their initial reviews it does not bode well.
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