I am sure that there are alot of topics about this but I really enjoy seeing what other people Pick as their top 5. Might even give me something new to play :]
5.Maple Story DS - While I do not speak Korean, I found myself giddy when I learned that it was actually coming out. So I ordered it straight from Korea with haste when it finally launched. At first the thought of a Maplestory for a handheld made me cringe. When I picked the game up and started my first character, I was somewhat disappointed. The graphics were somewhat lacking and well...I had no idea what was going on. As I progressed on, leveling up, getting new skills, battling new monsters, I actually fell for the game. It's a decent re-imagining of the MMORPG. I loved seeing my character change change equipment as I leveled up and it brought back all of my "Maple Memories" in a light-hearted, warm way.
4.Animal Crossing: Wild World - Oh where do I start? It was by far the most revolutionary handheld game to date. Being able to create your own town, customize your character, furnish your house from the ground up, and then invite friends to your town to show it all off...It was so amazing and EXTREMELY time consuming, but I loved every moment of it. It was one of the few games I could actually convince my girlfriend to pick up also. It's a great game and shame on anyone who hasn't played it before.
3.Dragon Quest 9: Sentinals of the Starry Sky - I just picked it up today, so I'm definately no expert on it, but so far it is thrilling. An amazing Storyline, great character customization, and an amazing cast of characters. On many games, I find grinding such a pain. [The only games I haven't had a bad time grinding away my character on are FF3 and Phantasy Star Online.] Dragon Quest 9 found a way to make grinding enjoyable and not stressing. None of the battles so far have been immensly difficult and it's got decent pick-up and play value, but the more you sit there and start to play and get into it, the better the game is. When it finally does drop in Europe I suggest everyone go pick it up. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING game.
2.Pokemon Platinum -I am a die hard Pokemon fan. I picked up Pokemon Red Version the first day it dropped in America. I think I played through maybe 20 times to this very day. No Pokemon game so far has compared to the majesty of Red and Blue. Diamond and Pearl definately brought something new to the table. A new Graphic system, interesting new pokemon and towns, and a playable storyline. When I heard they were releasing Platinum as the bonus my first thought was..."Well, I can pass on this one, I've done everything there was to be done in Pearl and more," Something ended up convincing me to pick up platinum and I started playing. It was the subtle changes that really made me enjoy the game. The distortion world was very cool. The new Battle Frontier gave me several hours of fun. I really ended up enjoying the game. It was a great time killer and I still play it to this day and have clocked over 120 hours. [Don't judge me...] A must buy for the DS.
1.Final Fantasy 3 -My top game is Final Fantasy 3. Definately not the top pick for alot of people. Most people would choose 4 because of it's dynamic storyline. Final Fantasy 3 has the generic storyline about 4 orphans banning together to fight evil. We've all heard it before right? That's not where the majesty of FF3 is though. It's all in the battle, the characters, and the amazing job system. The game was nearly endless if you planned on maxing out every character in every ****like I did. I never got bored. It offered up a great challenge at times but you felt so accomplished when you beat one of the bosses. I remember the time that I spent battling the Kraken over and over and having to go back and grind to come back and beat him. It never bored me, but instead it challanged me. I love the character is FF4. Cecil was a breath of fresh air compared to your run-of-the-mill action rpg hero. He had a dark side and I know everyone's mind was blown when to beat your dirk side you had to put your sword down and accept being a Paladin. Luneth, the main character from FF3 was in ways flat but he had his moments and those times where you just think and say to yourself "Way to go Luneth". It was truley the jobs that made the game. I find myself coming back to FF3 every few months just to play around. The nod to the original game was also very cool. I really liked being able to choose the Onion Knight as ajob [No matter how much it felt like I was cheating using him!]
Let me know what you guys think and pardon me if it seems like I'm just blabbering on or if there are any typos. It is 5:30 in the morning after all :P
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