If the DS can do this:
Metroid Prime Hunters
...than I bet it can do these:
1. Half Life
2. Halo: Combat Evolved
4. Perfect Dark
5. No One Lives Forever
6. Deus Ex
7. Call of Duty
8. Quake
9. Return to Caslte Wolfenstein
10. Medal of Honor Allied Assault
11. Unreal Tournament
12. Time Splitters 2
13. Aliens versus Predator
14. System Shock 2
15. Red Faction
I'm sure there's a lot more that I didn't list, but just wondering what everyone else thinks? I know that these games will never be ported to the DS, but just wanted to see if anyone else agrees that the DS could probably handle these titles.
It'd be kind of cool to see these games on the DS. I think the touch screen works perfectly as Metroid Prime Hunters proves. But my topic is about which clas-sic FPSs would work great on the DS if ported over? These are the ones I could think of that can work well. I think graphically, the DS can pull it off and the games still hold up today so I think as a selling point, it wouldn't feel dated too much.
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