all models are the same , and have the same problems that can incur overtime, example cracked hinges those can happen over a long period of tme short if you drop it hard enough, the original is more prone to this since it was made differently, screens are the same though no differences, the only thing different is the color, everything inside is the same, a computer chip touch screen nothing fancy about one spacific color,
just like how xbox360 is prone to its problems no matter what unit you pick up core arcade premium or the black elite, no electronic is without its faults no matter what color you pick itll likely breakdown one day if your a regular user of it that is, if your like me and seldemly play it it should last a long long time then if you were to constantly play it, and dont clean the cards etc just like how my n64 needs to be replaced because of 2 of them the 2nd controller port barely works have to mess with cord to get it working, the other units are rusted and i dont want ne of my games getting broken , ill have to keep em clean to work ,
but ya color does not affect performance of the said console/handheld its nintendo its quality , should last you over 10 yrs mechanically , , as for hinges, dont keep opening and shuting them , constantly if you do not need to open it, keep it closed or if your playing ,, have to use bathroom keep it open that should insure that you dont losen anything any fast then its normal wear and tear much like laptops ,, , hinges break and there just cosmetic well also if you crack a hinge before warrante expires nintendo fixes them for free, no matter what the problem is if it wasnt treated poorly, just pick your color, its gonna do the same, none of em differ in mechanics graphics or any major changes, just cosmetic changes , the color lol ,
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