Most importantly, Nintendo needs to get rid of this, "we're poor at competing" mentality. They believe they aren't, but it doesn't matter what they think, they are very much in competition with both Sony and MS.
I'm speaking as a consumer so I don't of course know the underlying business considerations, but if I were to be in charge of Nintendo, this is what I'd be doing:
1) I would mandate that every employee buy and play both MS's and Sony's machines and become not only familiar with the types of games are on them, but scrutinize and take notes on their online approaches and features. I would invest in a networking company to begin a complete overhaul of Nintendo's online offering to launch alongside the Wii U's successor that has features on par, or better, than the competition. Party chat, invites, no friend codes. Give it a hi-tech, modern, yet Nintendo themed design. Make it fast, efficient, and streamlined with a good UI. Charge for it (you get what you pay for), and give retro games out for free same as PSN+ every month or so.
2) Along with this, make a universal account system a #1 priority, and implement crossplay along all platforms. Beginning now, start work on bringing games to the VC from all past platforms, introduce retro trophies and achievements, and release 2-3 per platform per week on the redone VC store. Make the prices REASONABLE, and give incentives with discounts every so often. Allow all GB, NES, SNES, and N64 games to be playable on the 3DS or its successor.
3) Make the next system more powerful, and again BC for the VC. Doesn't have to be the most powerful, but at least keep it in the ballpark of the other systems with a similar architecture to help attract 3rd parties again. And BEND OVER BACKWARDS to aid in getting 3rd parties interested. Drop the arrogance and attitude of dismissal and apathy towards them, make a serious effort to cater to what they would like. Whether people want to admit it or not, a Nintendo system NEEDS 3rd parties. And if Nintendo could give tech parity to 3rd parties, yet distinguish their hardware with a feature that would not make it any more difficult to put their wares on, yet would give a gameplay bonus above other versions, they'd be sitting pretty and people would have a reason to buy games on Nintendo hardware.
4) Get a western businessman who is in touch with what people like here on the board of directors in Kyoto. Just like Howard Lincoln was back in the day. Nintendo's an international corporation and they need more than just Japanese minded people in their corporate culture. Cut the umbilical and give autonomy to NoA and NoE and allow them to make their own choices, and procure and establish studios to cater to western tastes.
5) Get to work on 3-4 new IPs. Not cheap half-assed shit like Steel Diver and Pushmo.
There's not much that could change the Wii U at this point as it's a product of choices years in the past, and Nintendo needs to be doing the above now to be competitive in the future. But with Iwata and co. in charge, this ain't happening.
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