saints row the third 3ds has the prequal , so i tihnk wii 2 shall see an improved or same version of sr3 they said not to expect sr3 til 2012 , so i m guesin ittl be a wii 2 launch game
gta 5 new ,
driver 5 -competition for saints row and gta , lol , and since wii has the most driver games this gen , its a no brainer
re5 -i would not put it past capcom cause they are porting re3 and 4 again for ps3 360 -heck dont be surprised if we didnt see that as well
games im hoping to be ported
the next burnout
nfs shift 2
and i personally wouldnt mind a hd remake of either of these
gta san andreas
time splitters 2 1 and 3 on a single bluray-asuming wii 2 uses them that would be freakin awsome , crytek please do no excuses now! give me ts 4 as well
and from nintendo i want these tracks in mariokart 3ds or wii 2
- royal race way-from mk64
- the gamecube battle track -from gc
- bowser castle from wii or gc
- rainbow road snes -that be awsome but hard lol in my opinion that has got to be one of the hardest mariokart tracks in history
- yoshi valley n64
and more games id like ported or new iterations
top gear-ya i asked for this to many times to count and in original snes form
-micro machines
- mgs 5 !!!!
-duke nukem or port over forever!! its been a long time since nintendo has had a duke nukem hexen or doom game give me one of these3 preferablly dn64 2!
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