Even now, 11 months after purchasing the wii, i still think it's the sexiest thing i've every seen. The console, not the games. If, nintendo could cater to everyone, and make cool sleek games for its cool sleek system i would be so happy. but all i see when i look on the shelves of stores is shrek 3 and kitty luv. I've made threads like this before, but now its just getting ridiculous. I used to love nintendo, and now i'm rethinking my stance. this whole thing with the casual takeover is making me want to buy a ps3(just because i gotta have my final fantasy, and FPS's aren't my thing) So since I highly doubt any of this will change(we all like money even nintendo) I think I might get one.
I can only play VC for so long Nintendo!
The main reason I am changing my mind about the wii, is because i feel that the motion controls have not been implimented well. i know thats the developers fault, but its nintendos fault as well then. The only games that have good motion controls IMO are SMG, and RE4. and super mario galaxy only uses it to do one move.
please correct me if you honestly think i'm completely wrong. but like i don't even want to renew my Nintendo power subscription now. thats how bad its gotten. the only game im hyped about right now is ff4
i think my problem is me actually, because i need intelligent games, and nintendo is never going to give me that now, save zelda, and a few others.
I don't know maybe i just need to vent all my frustrations. i'm not a wii hater, its my only console(which is probably why im so sad).
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