I had a terrifying thought this morning on the way to work. What if the ESRB ban the PAL version of No More Heroes. I'm really excited about the game but its meant to be very violent so i'm worried. I keep seeing news stories on how the Wii motion controls are so harmful because they can stimulate actual violent acts. Which is pure bull in my opinion.
What this is coming down to is a violation on my right to freedom of choice. As an adult i should choose which games i can play, not some stuff board who probably only play solitaire..
If the ESRB ban this game i will hunt each one of them down and murder them in a torturous way. Not because video games have made me violent but rather because the ESRB don't know anything about what they are doing and are censoring my favourite games. (its a joke but i hope you see my point).. Its not games that cause people to do terrible things, its terrible people. This whole censorship and banning thing makes we sick? I thought be lived in a democracy where we can choose what we want to consume.
I had so much more to say but i'm getting angry now so i will leave it.
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