If the 3DS is priced at $250 or more, you can bet, barring any game changing price drop, it will sell far short of the amount the DS has sold. No matter what compelling software comes out for it.
Victory for the 3DS next generation is in no way guaranteed. New competitors can arise, or old competitors can sweep the rug out from under Nintendo by offering more content, good software, and at a cheaper price. If there was any gen Nintendo could not win decisively it would be this gen.
I expect the 3DS to sell well its first year, for a new platform. Its the years after, and with other platforms coming, that I'm waiting to see how it all shakes out.
Now, $200 or $220 might alleviate consumer concerns, but the 3DS is running the risk of being the same price, if not more, than all its competitors in the handheld gaming space.
The Core gamers will buy it, its the casuals Nintendo should be concerned about.
200 or 220 would alleviate SOME? seriously what do you expect the price tag to be? The system does a lot, it is unique, and it is quite powerful for a handheld. People complain that the Wii doesnt have HD, a harddrive and awesome graphics, but then they (seemingly, you) come along and don't want a high price tag on it. Well pick one. I would rather have a $250 tag on the system and have it be a powerful handheld with many features, rather then be 150 and only slightly better then the DS.
What features? Low resolution screens, lack of multi-touch, lack of an apps store (other than 3dsware), lack of 3G, three pitiful VGA cameras that couldn't make out a persons face from more than 5 feet away ever, a limited amount of on board storage (yes SD fixes this) And honestly, its not the most powerful looking handheld. Sure its looking good but going by the leaked specs and screens it looks like a slightly suped up PSP, which it might honestly be hindered by the resolution. I mean, sure clock speeds and such don't account for everything but its looking a bit between Wii and PSP, which in actuality isn't the reason it looks as good as Wii is because its on a tiny screen?
It has music playback, 3D videos which we still don't know how they will be distrubited (GB Video anyone?), and cameras but those are cheap industry standards, there is no eBook reader which would attract the Brain Age market, among other things.
Look i'm loving it already I want it, but i don't for a second think its "feature" packed or incredibly powerful. There are more powerful devices for mobile gaming out there, but the gaming community doesn't want to support them and say they can be gaming portables in addition to what they really do best.
What I've been saying is the 3DS could be cheaper and still have everything thats in it
I highly doubt it costs more than $150 to make a unit, give or take $20 or so. So $200 or $230 would be a more reasonable price to me, charging a 20%-30% profit instead of what seems like a 50%-100% profit per unit.
I mean, Apple charges like 100%+ profit per unit, not Nintendo. (At launch that is, as costs go down of course they make more profit)
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