What is a way to see if a 3DS has black screen of death? What do i have to do to test it? I will be opening my 3DS box, and i want to first test it before adding screen protectors, so that if the problem is there, and a firmware update doesn't help, then i will send it to nintendo to get it fixed. And, for updating the firmware, what exactly must i do? Sorry for asking these questions, i have never really done something like this before.
Not sure there ia a way to actually "test" for black screen of death as it has been happening randomly to random people at different times.
I just got my 3ds today and what I did was charged it fully straight out of the box, then when it was charged I turned it on set everything up on it and then once i had profile, internet connection, etc... set I went into the setting again and clicked on "software update" and then updated my 3ds.. it took about 2 mins for mine to update.. and I have been playing a game now for about 3 hours and haven't had an issue yet..
to get to the firmware update , go to setting (scrool all the way to the last thing on the right) then on page 4 of settings click on "system update" it will connect ya to the internet and the download will happen automaticly.. for me the update took 1- 2 mins, for a few others they said it look a really long time... It might have to do with speed of your connection (I'm on a T3 connection) .
Does my connection have to be set to WEP to update?
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