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Hardcore gamer - Gamer who believes he is more important than other gamers and can only be satisfied with mindless violence and an online mode. For examples of these people please visit the Halo 3 Board. radicalplace
People who are so good at online FPSes that their opponents accuse them of cheating.
Those are hardcore gamers.
People get confused between core gaming and hardcore. It's basically people that played games since NES. They want games with a reason for doing things beyond just because. In Metroid, you get upgrades to adventure on and fight bosses. In endless ocean, you can do what you want at anytime so in a sense the game is beaten when you first start. What is the point in collecting info on the animals? It's just the core games you earn and have challenges to meet, so there is more of a reason to play and pay $50 for a game. Wiggle party games aren't worth half the money and everything is basically done for you. Most of these party games are just quick cash ins as well, so that is why you hear about it a lot. It is also because a lot of people that play Nintendo have been playing since the first one and they want the old way of looking at things with the new controls. They want to take their old games and make it cooler with adding the new way to play. Nintendo tries to make every game appeal to everyone and you can't really do that because the core gamer has likely played a similar game or a previous installment in a series and when they simplify, it's annoying because we were expecting more. It's just they have all those games come out every month and a lot of it is shovelware.
The system is hard to track down, so when you finally get one, your just left with " whats so amazing about it". It does have it's fair share of good games, but it isn't the godly system people make it out to be. Nintendo never says anything until last minute. Where is F-zero Pilotwings Wave Race Pikmin Kirby Starfox. They have come out with a lot of their big guns already.
It's also because Wii only owners feel shortchanged. They can't play Soul Caliber 4, Tekken 6, Resident Evil 5, Fable 2, Resistance, Street Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4 and that sort of thing. The Wii board gets this like everyday. Why does the the most popular system get the 2nd rate games like Soul Caliber Legends and inferior versions of multiplats like the Bigs or whatever. I am just using these games as examples, whether your opinions on these games are bad or not is your own thing.
At the same time, it's a little bit of Nintendo's fault. They have huge restrictions for online and no hard drive for storage, so a lot games can't be done on Wii. A lot of people wanted Assassins Creed on the Wii, but it can't be done because of hardware restraints. Games like Resident Evil have always been hardware pushers so the Wii would not be the best choice for that. It all boils down to "you get what you pay for" Some of the time all your doing is paying for brand name, but with electronics it's different. If you like something because it is cheap than don't expect to get all the bells and whistles, with top notch graphics and core games that are being built for new hardware.
We do have Tales of Symphonia, Rygar, Monster Hunter, Castlevania (maybe). There is also Tenchu 4, but honestly that game has lost it's buzz, but is a good fit for wii.
People get confused between core gaming and hardcore. It's basically people that played games since NES. They want games with a reason for doing things beyond just because. In Metroid, you get upgrades to adventure on and fight bosses. In endless ocean, you can do what you want at anytime so in a sense the game is beaten when you first start. What is the point in collecting info on the animals? It's just the core games you earn and have challenges to meet, so there is more of a reason to play and pay $50 for a game. Wiggle party games aren't worth half the money and everything is basically done for you. Most of these party games are just quick cash ins as well, so that is why you hear about it a lot. It is also because a lot of people that play Nintendo have been playing since the first one and they want the old way of looking at things with the new controls. They want to take their old games and make it cooler with adding the new way to play. Nintendo tries to make every game appeal to everyone and you can't really do that because the core gamer has likely played a similar game or a previous installment in a series and when they simplify, it's annoying because we were expecting more. It's just they have all those games come out every month and a lot of it is shovelware.
The system is hard to track down, so when you finally get one, your just left with " whats so amazing about it". It does have it's fair share of good games, but it isn't the godly system people make it out to be. Nintendo never says anything until last minute. Where is F-zero Pilotwings Wave Race Pikmin Kirby Starfox. They have come out with a lot of their big guns already.
It's also because Wii only owners feel shortchanged. They can't play Soul Caliber 4, Tekken 6, Resident Evil 5, Fable 2, Resistance, Street Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4 and that sort of thing. The Wii board gets this like everyday. Why does the the most popular system get the 2nd rate games like Soul Caliber Legends and inferior versions of multiplats like the Bigs or whatever. I am just using these games as examples, whether your opinions on these games are bad or not is your own thing.
At the same time, it's a little bit of Nintendo's fault. They have huge restrictions for online and no hard drive for storage, so a lot games can't be done on Wii. A lot of people wanted Assassins Creed on the Wii, but it can't be done because of hardware restraints. Games like Resident Evil have always been hardware pushers so the Wii would not be the best choice for that. It all boils down to "you get what you pay for" Some of the time all your doing is paying for brand name, but with electronics it's different. If you like something because it is cheap than don't expect to get all the bells and whistles, with top notch graphics and core games that are being built for new hardware.
We do have Tales of Symphonia, Rygar, Monster Hunter, Castlevania (maybe). There is also Tenchu 4, but honestly that game has lost it's buzz, but is a good fit for wii.
I agree with this. Don't get me wrong, I like the Wii. I have 23 retail games and 41 VC games for it. The Wii has enough to offer the average gamer. Most gamers want more these days. Most gamers expect online play in most of their games. Most gamers like to play with their buddies on Live or PSN. Here is the list of games that I am currently playing. They are mostly exclusive to their specific platform, but some are not. You'll see a pattern to the list that the Wii cannot satisfy.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Metal Gear Solid 4
MLB 08: The Show
Unreal Tournament 3
Grand Theft Auto 4
Ninja Gaiden 2
The Bourne Conspiracy
Call Of Duty 4
You can't get any of those experiences on the Wii. You have to look at who the audience is here. I'm 28, engaged, no kids. Games started becoming more mature themed during the time I was in High School. (Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Need For Speed, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Etc.) A game is not so much mature based on the rating. I consider a good racing game that is high on realism to be mature. Once again, the Wii has enough to offer the average gamer. This person is the one who had a NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, N64, Gamecube and now a Wii. Mainstream if you will. They buy the cheapest, most popular console and only buy a few games over its life span. They are not "core" gamers, so they are labeled as "casuals".
Back in the day there was no label for "casuals". I think the closest thing to that was calling them the "me too" crowd that has to be in on anything popular. So, what is "hardcore"? Well, it's someone who loves games and wants to play the the best ones available. This actually does mean that they have to own something besides the Wii to get the job done. At the same time, a true "hardcore" can't stick their nose up and not purchase a Wii as there have been "can't miss" games released for it.
The only real problem the Wii faces is that Nintendo has shifted its audience and now would rather have the broad audience they had back in the 80's and early 90's. The problem is that many gamers are in their 20's and 30's now and we got cut out of the business model. The long term list of coming releases for the Wii only helps to further cement its role as a console for the "me too" gamers as it does not have anything that appeals to the tastes of most older gamers. And it just keeps throwing on the shovelware. The Wii will be remembered for having an "X", "Z", or "Wii" in the title of many games. I don't know if replacing "cks" with "X" and "s" with "Z" is to sound hip and cool like Poochie or if the publishers of these games are remedial.
That's for the true gamers out there to decide. Better known as the "hardcore".
Ah 1 of gamings great philisophical questions like "What is the meaning of life" "Who or What is this god person and why did he/she allow this bird to crap on my head"
no one really noes the answer and no one will. I would go with anyone whos willing to go the extra mile for a game. If u wanna play a game so much u wanna do speed runs and then try to beat that time u might be hardcore. If u love a game so much u decide hey im gunna write a fanfic u could just be hardcore. If you and your friends make refrences about games in most conversation you my friend might be hardcore. If you cut ur self off from the world for days at a time to play thru a new game or better yet to play thru an old game that u just happen to like a lot u my friend could just be hardcore
Hardcore gamer buys good games after recommendations from other gamers. They have good taste in games, and are just want to have fun playing the game. They are generally so unbelievably good at FPS's that admins can't tell who is cheating and who's not.
Casual gamers get their mom to buy them terrible 3rd party games because the box is pretty. They are generally pathetic online and often get abused everyone else. This is if they ever buy the same games as hardcore gamers, which is very rarely, unless the game is both amazing and has a pretty box. They speak in many languages including, but not limited to, Leet, Whiner and "5 more minutes, Mom!!"-ish. Casual gamers are also the cause of the Wii being overloaded with crap 3rd party games.kamikaze_pigmy
but it has nothing to do with what type of games u play i dont even think it has to do with how good u are
Hardcore gamer buys good games after recommendations from other gamers. They have good taste in games, and are just want to have fun playing the game. They are generally so unbelievably good at FPS's that admins can't tell who is cheating and who's not.
Casual gamers get their mom to buy them terrible 3rd party games because the box is pretty. They are generally pathetic online and often get abused everyone else. This is if they ever buy the same games as hardcore gamers, which is very rarely, unless the game is both amazing and has a pretty box. They speak in many languages including, but not limited to, Leet, Whiner and "5 more minutes, Mom!!"-ish. Casual gamers are also the cause of the Wii being overloaded with crap 3rd party games.kamikaze_pigmy
but it has nothing to do with what type of games u play i dont even think it has to do with how good u are
I don't know about "hardcore" gamer. But I know about mature gamer, which I think is the true descriptive word of the so-called hardcore gamers.
I consider myself a mature gamer because at 20, being a gamer since I was 3 (NES and SNES days), I'm looking for games appealing to my age. And that DOESN'T mean exclusively violent games and shooters. I include tactical games, strategic games, adventures and stuff like that. It does NOT mean that Mario Party is not for me, it still is a very entertaining game but more of a party game than a game I'd play alone when i have an hour to spare.
And you have to consider experience. I'm not the most experienced player out there but a lot of kids owning a 360 started their "gaming career" with Halo, if not GTA IV, not Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt in 1990, like I did. But I still loved Galaxy, TP and MP3 and Brawl which are Nintendo products that almost anyone can play, whether you'd be 9 or 33.
Hardcore gamer buys good games after recommendations from other gamers. They have good taste in games, and are just want to have fun playing the game. They are generally so unbelievably good at FPS's that admins can't tell who is cheating and who's not.
Casual gamers get their mom to buy them terrible 3rd party games because the box is pretty. They are generally pathetic online and often get abused everyone else. This is if they ever buy the same games as hardcore gamers, which is very rarely, unless the game is both amazing and has a pretty box. They speak in many languages including, but not limited to, Leet, Whiner and "5 more minutes, Mom!!"-ish. Casual gamers are also the cause of the Wii being overloaded with crap 3rd party games.kamikaze_pigmy
It's funny because now I'm nore a casual gamer now and seriously you don't know what you're talking about. I'm a casual gamer now but I can play "hardcore" games because I know them since their beginning. 15 years ago I was more hardcore with the SNES and the Sega Genesis but time is turning against me and I grow up.
A Hardcore gamer, hhmmm. Besides that there a small auidience beside the casual.
Hardcore - buying good games, completing them tends to be in the FPS genre, people think that owning a 360 or PS3 is hardcore because of all the FPS on it, think's that they are more important, really addicted to the game and can ignore what they are told.
MY definition of a hardcore gamer is anyone who isn't a casual gamer, they play games seriously and whatnot.Lord_Omikron666
I agree, and would like to add the true hardcore gamer likes all kinds of games, and can have fun playing any system without bashing games/systems that don't appeal to them personally. A true hardcore gamer loves gaming in general.
I understand your point but the only problem is that you can`t be any category of gamer (I.E. Mature gamer) besides a gamer. Because gaming is a matter of choice, when I was playing games (sega genesis, snes, etc) some of things I played where unexpected. You stated that strategy and tactical games are considered mature to you but the reality is that they cant be mature because there are plenty of kids playing those genres. So therefore "casual", "hardcore", and "mature" gamers are all false ways too generalize people and make others feel better than another gamer.I don't know about "hardcore" gamer. But I know about mature gamer, which I think is the true descriptive word of the so-called hardcore gamers.
I consider myself a mature gamer because at 20, being a gamer since I was 3 (NES and SNES days), I'm looking for games appealing to my age. And that DOESN'T mean exclusively violent games and shooters. I include tactical games, strategic games, adventures and stuff like that. It does NOT mean that Mario Party is not for me, it still is a very entertaining game but more of a party game than a game I'd play alone when i have an hour to spare.
And you have to consider experience. I'm not the most experienced player out there but a lot of kids owning a 360 started their "gaming career" with Halo, if not GTA IV, not Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt in 1990, like I did. But I still loved Galaxy, TP and MP3 and Brawl which are Nintendo products that almost anyone can play, whether you'd be 9 or 33.
[QUOTE="gamenerd15"]People get confused between core gaming and hardcore. It's basically people that played games since NES. They want games with a reason for doing things beyond just because. In Metroid, you get upgrades to adventure on and fight bosses. In endless ocean, you can do what you want at anytime so in a sense the game is beaten when you first start. What is the point in collecting info on the animals? It's just the core games you earn and have challenges to meet, so there is more of a reason to play and pay $50 for a game. Wiggle party games aren't worth half the money and everything is basically done for you. Most of these party games are just quick cash ins as well, so that is why you hear about it a lot. It is also because a lot of people that play Nintendo have been playing since the first one and they want the old way of looking at things with the new controls. They want to take their old games and make it cooler with adding the new way to play. Nintendo tries to make every game appeal to everyone and you can't really do that because the core gamer has likely played a similar game or a previous installment in a series and when they simplify, it's annoying because we were expecting more. It's just they have all those games come out every month and a lot of it is shovelware.
The system is hard to track down, so when you finally get one, your just left with " whats so amazing about it". It does have it's fair share of good games, but it isn't the godly system people make it out to be. Nintendo never says anything until last minute. Where is F-zero Pilotwings Wave Race Pikmin Kirby Starfox. They have come out with a lot of their big guns already.
It's also because Wii only owners feel shortchanged. They can't play Soul Caliber 4, Tekken 6, Resident Evil 5, Fable 2, Resistance, Street Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4 and that sort of thing. The Wii board gets this like everyday. Why does the the most popular system get the 2nd rate games like Soul Caliber Legends and inferior versions of multiplats like the Bigs or whatever. I am just using these games as examples, whether your opinions on these games are bad or not is your own thing.
At the same time, it's a little bit of Nintendo's fault. They have huge restrictions for online and no hard drive for storage, so a lot games can't be done on Wii. A lot of people wanted Assassins Creed on the Wii, but it can't be done because of hardware restraints. Games like Resident Evil have always been hardware pushers so the Wii would not be the best choice for that. It all boils down to "you get what you pay for" Some of the time all your doing is paying for brand name, but with electronics it's different. If you like something because it is cheap than don't expect to get all the bells and whistles, with top notch graphics and core games that are being built for new hardware.
We do have Tales of Symphonia, Rygar, Monster Hunter, Castlevania (maybe). There is also Tenchu 4, but honestly that game has lost it's buzz, but is a good fit for wii.
I agree with this. Don't get me wrong, I like the Wii. I have 23 retail games and 41 VC games for it. The Wii has enough to offer the average gamer. Most gamers want more these days. Most gamers expect online play in most of their games. Most gamers like to play with their buddies on Live or PSN. Here is the list of games that I am currently playing. They are mostly exclusive to their specific platform, but some are not. You'll see a pattern to the list that the Wii cannot satisfy.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Metal Gear Solid 4
MLB 08: The Show
Unreal Tournament 3
Grand Theft Auto 4
Ninja Gaiden 2
The Bourne Conspiracy
Call Of Duty 4
You can't get any of those experiences on the Wii. You have to look at who the audience is here. I'm 28, engaged, no kids. Games started becoming more mature themed during the time I was in High School. (Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Need For Speed, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Etc.) A game is not so much mature based on the rating. I consider a good racing game that is high on realism to be mature. Once again, the Wii has enough to offer the average gamer. This person is the one who had a NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, N64, Gamecube and now a Wii. Mainstream if you will. They buy the cheapest, most popular console and only buy a few games over its life span. They are not "core" gamers, so they are labeled as "casuals".
Back in the day there was no label for "casuals". I think the closest thing to that was calling them the "me too" crowd that has to be in on anything popular. So, what is "hardcore"? Well, it's someone who loves games and wants to play the the best ones available. This actually does mean that they have to own something besides the Wii to get the job done. At the same time, a true "hardcore" can't stick their nose up and not purchase a Wii as there have been "can't miss" games released for it.
The only real problem the Wii faces is that Nintendo has shifted its audience and now would rather have the broad audience they had back in the 80's and early 90's. The problem is that many gamers are in their 20's and 30's now and we got cut out of the business model. The long term list of coming releases for the Wii only helps to further cement its role as a console for the "me too" gamers as it does not have anything that appeals to the tastes of most older gamers. And it just keeps throwing on the shovelware. The Wii will be remembered for having an "X", "Z", or "Wii" in the title of many games. I don't know if replacing "cks" with "X" and "s" with "Z" is to sound hip and cool like Poochie or if the publishers of these games are remedial.
That's for the true gamers out there to decide. Better known as the "hardcore".
very good post. And to awnser your sig. No i dont i prefer my cars fast :pHardcore gamer - Gamer who believes he is more important than other gamers and can only be satisfied with mindless violence and an online mode. For examples of these people please visit the Halo 3 Board. radicalplace
Oh, mindless stero-types, I love these.
hardcore gamers are losers with no friends who become obese and never leave their houses for long intervals of time, oh wait did i just describe half the kids in america?:question:TheBeast789
I know an associate who is just like that, he's 18 now and the worst part is that he has always been like that since we was kids. Plus he is beast at FPS. lol
They're the n00bs who only think they're "hardcore" because they play M rated games. MY definition of a hardcore gamer is anyone who isn't a casual gamer, they play games seriously and whatnot.Lord_Omikron666
Exactly! Most people who describe themselfs as hardcore play nothing but FPS titles (usually M rated) cause they think its cool. The kind of people who reject new and creative games and ideas thinking it is not cool, and the kind of person who refuse to even try older games cause of the graphics and because they think it sounds stupid.
A very wise friend of mine (link) once said that a true gamer is the kinda person who enjoys a game like some people enjoy wine. They look at the game for what it is, and not what others belive it to be and who can appreciate many diffrent types of games.
There are a lot of good FPS out there for the X-Box and PS3. But there are a lot of equally good (if not better) games for the wii and older consoles. Games like The Secret of Monkey Island (PC, 1990), Zelda: ALTTP, and Metroid Prime.
Anyone who says that a wii does not apply to their "hardcore gaming needs" is probably joking or an idiot you don't need to be listining too.
hardcore gamers are losers with no friends who become obese and never leave their houses for long intervals of time, oh wait did i just describe half the kids in america?:question:TheBeast789
Ah ignorance what a beautiful thing. Hardcore to me are people that go to mlg and play constantly. Wear clothing associated with video games and lots of video game decorations. Kinda like the 40 year old virgins house but maybe not ALL of that stuff.
[QUOTE="Lord_Omikron666"]They're the n00bs who only think they're "hardcore" because they play M rated games. MY definition of a hardcore gamer is anyone who isn't a casual gamer, they play games seriously and whatnot.jsurfer200
Exactly! Most people who describe themselfs as hardcore play nothing but FPS titles (usually M rated) cause they think its cool. The kind of people who reject new and creative games and ideas thinking it is not cool, and the kind of person who refuse to even try older games cause of the graphics and because they think it sounds stupid.
A very wise friend of mine (link) once said that a true gamer is the kinda person who enjoys a game like some people enjoy wine. They look at the game for what it is, and not what others belive it to be and who can appreciate many diffrent types of games.
There are a lot of good FPS out there for the X-Box and PS3. But there are a lot of equally good (if not better) games for the wii and older consoles. Games like The Secret of Monkey Island (PC, 1990), Zelda: ALTTP, and Metroid Prime.
Anyone who says that a wii does not apply to their "hardcore gaming needs" is probably joking or an idiot you don't need to be listining too.
very good post. And Link is wise, one of my childhood heroes, along with mario, and samus aran (heroin).
[QUOTE="Lord_Omikron666"]They're the n00bs who only think they're "hardcore" because they play M rated games. MY definition of a hardcore gamer is anyone who isn't a casual gamer, they play games seriously and whatnot.jsurfer200
Exactly! Most people who describe themselfs as hardcore play nothing but FPS titles (usually M rated) cause they think its cool. The kind of people who reject new and creative games and ideas thinking it is not cool, and the kind of person who refuse to even try older games cause of the graphics and because they think it sounds stupid.
A very wise friend of mine (link) once said that a true gamer is the kinda person who enjoys a game like some people enjoy wine. They look at the game for what it is, and not what others belive it to be and who can appreciate many diffrent types of games.
There are a lot of good FPS out there for the X-Box and PS3. But there are a lot of equally good (if not better) games for the wii and older consoles. Games like The Secret of Monkey Island (PC, 1990), Zelda: ALTTP, and Metroid Prime.
Anyone who says that a wii does not apply to their "hardcore gaming needs" is probably joking or an idiot you don't need to be listining too.
very good post. And Link is wise, one of my childhood heroes, along with mario, and samus aran (heroin).
hard core gamer just means your a knob that crys when you lose in some game
video games are for fun , not to cry when you lose (Y)
[QUOTE="radicalplace"]Hardcore gamer - Gamer who believes he is more important than other gamers and can only be satisfied with mindless violence and an online mode. For examples of these people please visit the Halo 3 Board. Dark_Knight6
Oh, mindless stero-types, I love these.
Me to :D But there is a difference between hardcore and core gamers. Hardcore has been redefined by idiots. It doesn't mean what it used to mean.
my def is some one whos gamed since nes or earlier or owns lots of other systems. others say violence well they better do the research since n64 nintendos had the most violent games in history excluding gta
re geist goldeneye perfect dark conker etc this list gets longer every time
Old "hardcore" gamers were people who utterly destroyed/mastered games. Like those guys in the arcades(remember those) during the 80s and 90s who had 10-15 people around them just because they were incredible at certain games.
New, self-proclaimed "hardcore" gamers are usually loud, arrogant, and ignorant fanatics who believe that playing violent games makes you cool. In addition these "people" are delusional enough to believe that people don't play/want the games that they prefer because they are childish, can't afford them, or too stupid to know what they want. To take the stereotype to the extreme they are arrogant punks who are addicted to online gaming(Sports/FPS) because that's where they can express themselves without people laughing at them to their face. Cellerdwellers. IMO.gamecubepad
You are my hero. I couldn't have said it better myself.
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