I bought it to play Resident Evil : The Umbrella Chronicles. But after i saw how great other wii titles are out there, I stopped regretting I bought one. (At first I wanted a PS3)
What was your reason? (I bet most of you will say SSBB)
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I didn't buy one, My wife managed to find it to give as a gift for our anniversary last year.
But why was I hyped? The controller, mostly. I was mostly looking forward to the PS3 and was watching E3 coverage on G4 when they finally unveiled the Wii Controls.... PS3 immediately became boring to me and Nintendo had me rivited. I practically pissed myself when my wife got me one for our anniversary. Best wife ever!
The motion controls made me want one. They make gameplay feel fresh. However now I am saving up for a 360 cause I have to have Ninja Gaiden 2, GTA 4, GoW 1 and 2.
But SMG is amazing, along with my fav. game Re4.(oh plus Re5 is on 360!) ReUC is good too tho. I guess the only thing that is keeping from selling mine is SSBB, Mario Kart and the hopes of another exclusive RE title (cross fingers for Re2 port with Re4 style play)
ONLY 5 days until SSBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and another reason i wanted one was for amazing first person control which by now i know isnt happening anytime soon (MP3 control was good but i didnt care for the game itself, and MoHH2 was good control but not great and the shooting was way too jumpy and inaccurate)
Plus the lack of 3rd party games is driving me towards 360, but do not worry i will still be an avid Wii fan enjoying SSBB and MArio Kart and others (Heres to hope that Kid Icarus is being made for wii!)
OH and one last thing Godfather Blackhand edition is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Three reasons:
1) motion controls looked like they would make for a fun diversion
2) first party titles are usually pretty stellar
3) the price was right
The hype? I was lucky enough to catch a Wii in the mid December....I thought it was going to be the best console of all time....
*Looks at dust on the Wii*
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