I was reading something about SVR 08 and it said there is no 24/7 mode for the Wii. Do you think it should have 24/7 mode or should it stay the same way with season mode and manager mode.
I think its pretty much the same mode, its just different story modes so the wiis version is completly different than the other versions.
oh ya did u hear bout svr 08 being delayed cuz of Benoit...
Yeah that sucks about the game being delayed but it makes sense. WWE don't even want his name mentioned again.
On topic, the 24/7 mode is really just a deeper version of the regular career mode which depending on who you choose to play as could take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years (in game time obviously)
The Wii's career mode will be the same kinda thing that was in SDvR2006, 2007, etc. I'd actually prefer a regular carer mode anyway. Playing 3 years of matches with the same wrestler would get so tedious!
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