You should use this format so that its organized:
Other/Extra- (this includes what weapons, type of melee, use of vehicles, ect.)
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You should use this format so that its organized:
Other/Extra- (this includes what weapons, type of melee, use of vehicles, ect.)
mario goes crazy a galxy far far away
lucas arts/nintendo
pointer controlled gun play and waggle action
mario finds himself inthe mario universe will in space (galaxy) and goes crazy becuase he cant find the proncess
you can use a lightsaber and shoot guns ass mario. you can control your wookie troops bwii style.
online like battlefront
so basically battlefront with mario
GOTYYou should use this format so that its organized:
Name-Don't care
Publisher/Developer-Nintendo/Retro Studios
Storyline-Don't care
Other/Extra- (this includes what weapons, type of melee, use of vehicles, ect.)
Multiplayer-16+ players online
I'm a total Vehicle lover for FPS or TPS games. I NEED vehicles. Just give me a Warhawk esque game. (Except actually have a single player mode)Duckman5
and let it make a little more sense. i saw videos of one of the planes hitting a building full speed and not crash. its like wtf. how is that possible
To be honest, I'm a little bored with the whole Sci-Fi genre in games. I'd love to see like a fantasy/steampunk FPS. Or maybe something that's set in the future, but still has heavy fantasy elements. Anyways:
Name- Not sure what I'd call it
Publisher/Developer- Anyone
Controls- Probably something very similar to MP3
Storyline- Not sure
Other/Extra- Well, I had this idea where you would possess people (similar to an old DC game, whose title I can not remember). While in their body, you could "hear" their thoughts through the Wiimote speaker. Depending on the host, as well as how you behave while in them, they might communicate useful information (or just cry/whine/curse you out).
Multiplayer- no ideaThePlothole
oh cool like Geist.
[QUOTE="ThePlothole"]To be honest, I'm a little bored with the whole Sci-Fi genre in games. I'd love to see like a fantasy/steampunk FPS. Or maybe something that's set in the future, but still has heavy fantasy elements. Anyways:
Name- Not sure what I'd call it
Publisher/Developer- Anyone
Controls- Probably something very similar to MP3
Storyline- Not sure
Other/Extra- Well, I had this idea where you would possess people (similar to an old DC game, whose title I can not remember). While in their body, you could "hear" their thoughts through the Wiimote speaker. Depending on the host, as well as how you behave while in them, they might communicate useful information (or just cry/whine/curse you out).
Multiplayer- no ideasonic_rusher
oh cool like Geist.
Really? *has honestly never played that game*
[QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="ThePlothole"]To be honest, I'm a little bored with the whole Sci-Fi genre in games. I'd love to see like a fantasy/steampunk FPS. Or maybe something that's set in the future, but still has heavy fantasy elements. Anyways:
Name- Not sure what I'd call it
Publisher/Developer- Anyone
Controls- Probably something very similar to MP3
Storyline- Not sure
Other/Extra- Well, I had this idea where you would possess people (similar to an old DC game, whose title I can not remember). While in their body, you could "hear" their thoughts through the Wiimote speaker. Depending on the host, as well as how you behave while in them, they might communicate useful information (or just cry/whine/curse you out).
Multiplayer- no ideaThePlothole
oh cool like Geist.
Really? *has honestly never played that game*
np its one of those good games that not many paied attention to.
Thank you for going by the format.
Also A note to people. I know that MP3 is a good game on Wii, I was asking for new games that involved your creative minds.
Publisher/Developer-VU Games/Valve
Controls-B to shoot, A to Jump, - to Pause, + to see how many kills during multiplayer, Z to interact with environment (pick up weapons, open doors, computors, reload), Left or right on the D-Pad to switch weapons, 1 tozoom in on weapons, 2 to crouch, C to throw grenade (if you tap it then you just give a regular grenade throw, but if you holdC then you can use thetilt sensorto decide how you wanna throw it; overhand throw with the Nunchuk tomake a strong thow with extra bounce, under hand the nunchuk and you get a controlled throw with little bounce,throw to the left or right to make a shortthrow to the left or right which is good for throwing arounda courcer) also if youare dual wield it shoots the left gun, Up and down on the D-pad scrolls through the different grandes, Making a jabbing motion with the nunchuk to stab a knifeand the faster you jab the faster the knife actually goes,when you have amelee weapon you swing the Wiimote and they would have to develop the vest damn sword swinging system on Wii it would be close to 1 : 1 ratio.
Storyline-Most nations are trying to unite ever since heavy space exploration, but this caused more conflict then the world hasever seen. Every major terrorist organization unites, smaller dissenting countries who would lose major trades and power rebel, and some super powers secretly plought against the uniting to gain in the end. This combination of rebelion was enough to challenge the newly united world. After half a century of war Biological warfare is brought into play and that doesnt just include poisens but also strange chemicals for a new type of soldier. A scientist uses the right chemical balance from different scources around the world and before he could implement it he was found to be a spy for the rebel nations and escapes. later on after dozens of failed attempts a scientist was able to pick up where the original left off. out of a pool of 2000 a couple hundred survive. The soldier has extreme capapblities. Extreme stamina, strength, regenerative capabilities, eyes can adjust to almost any environment, extreme dexterity, fast reflexes, and has another layer of leather likeskin under their epidermisthat can temporarily absorb a bullet constant trauma to this skin without a chance for regeneration can penetrate the skin. These soldiers have huge sucess but the same scientist who was the spy is staring to ragain what he started and uses a number forms of biological war far.
Other/Extra- The weapons are futuristic but they are unique I dont really like the look of modern day weapons so they would strive to be completely unique and nice to look at with every type of weapon you can imagine many of the weapons involve poisens and gases, vehicles that can go through all terrains including water and it involves multiplayers in it and also flying vehicles, melee weapons involve machetes and super heeated rods. You can hold up to three weapons, usually you start of with a pistol, assault rifle, and a basic BIO weapon which you switch with left right and up on the D-pad.
Multiplayer-There is 4 player splitscreen, 2 player splitscreen coop, 20 player online/WiFi LAN, 2 player online/WiFi LAN.
The good thing about this thread is that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has already come out!!! Lucky for us!!!!
The good thing about this thread is that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has already come out!!! Lucky for us!!!!
Good thing that was mor eof an FPA and it had no multiplayer! It was a good game in its own respect but its not a traditional FPS.
Dont you love useless posts :)
metroid prime hunters 2 for wii with online:Dlegend26
They said Prime has ended and not only is that not original but it is also meant for handhelds.
[QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="legend26"]metroid prime hunters 2 for wii with online:DDuckman5
They said Prime has ended and not only is that not original but it is also meant for handhelds.
that is common sense its a game meant for the handheld
Name- I dont care
Publisher- Also dont care
story(at least think that was next)- 2 spies a field agent and a computer expert have to team up to take down the worlds most secert orgnization who has started a plan to kill the world leaders and start a world of anarchy and chaos
Features- The game would be based around 2 player co-op like never before. Player one would use the wiimote and nunchuck to shoot down enemies in a FPS style. where as player 2 would use the DS to solve puzzles that would effect player 1. solving a puzzel that would unlock the door that player 1 is trapped in b4 player 1 is gunned down by the countless enemies. also player 2 would be able to use the ds to controll a remote controller robot that would gun help player 1 gun down enemies
inovation at its finest. it would rise to the top of gaming in a mear amount of days and see up to 3 sqeuels
[QUOTE="Darth-Samus"]The good thing about this thread is that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has already come out!!! Lucky for us!!!!
Good thing that was mor eof an FPA and it had no multiplayer! It was a good game in its own respect but its not a traditional FPS.
Dont you love useless posts :)
The game was never supposed to have multiplayer. Also, as far as THIS thread goes there's nothing that says what he's asking for was a "multiplayer Wii FPS" so why even point that out? On top of THAT, while Corruption, like all the Prime games, was very story and adventure heavy, even more so than shooting, that does not discount it from being a shooter as well(gasp!) as an adventure title. The simple truth is that it really is both. And for you to continue to argue that that's not true says you haven't played the game. For you to say that's impossible says you don't play many games if you think you can't have elements of more than one genre within one video game. Incidentally, the game is in first person, you point at enemies and you shoot them. Constantly. In every area, on every planet and space station, and in almost every room. Shooting = shooter. Thought I might help you out. Keep you from embarressing yourself :D
Name No Idea
Developer- Uh.... Free RAdical?
Controls- MP3
Storyline-BAd guys want kill good guys?
Other- Ok I thought it might be interesting for it to be like Okami type graphics except for an FPS. Or just normal cell shaded.
Multiplayer-32 players all modes in the Time Splitters series plus more.
Or just Time Splitters 4 whatever works.
Name: Mass Effect Developer: Bioware Controls: Mass Effect Storyline: Commander Shephard has to save the galaxy. Bioware = good storyline. Other: It's Bioware! Multiplayer: Single Player onlygorilaboy
Omg yes! If only lol.
Star Wars Battlefront for wii, it would rock!
Omg double HELL yes!
You know, if they want to make millions of dollars off of a video game....why don't they make this? It baffles the mind.
[QUOTE="Duckman5"]I'm a total Vehicle lover for FPS or TPS games. I NEED vehicles. Just give me a Warhawk esque game. (Except actually have a single player mode)dinofan01
and let it make a little more sense. i saw videos of one of the planes hitting a building full speed and not crash. its like wtf. how is that possible
lol starfox assualt
The good thing about this thread is that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has already come out!!! Lucky for us!!!!
Good thing that was mor eof an FPA and it had no multiplayer! It was a good game in its own respect but its not a traditional FPS.
Dont you love useless posts :)
The game was never supposed to have multiplayer. Also, as far as THIS thread goes there's nothing that says what he's asking for was a "multiplayer Wii FPS" so why even point that out? On top of THAT, while Corruption, like all the Prime games, was very story and adventure heavy, even more so than shooting, that does not discount it from being a shooter as well(gasp!) as an adventure title. The simple truth is that it really is both. And for you to continue to argue that that's not true says you haven't played the game. For you to say that's impossible says you don't play many games if you think you can't have elements of more than one genre within one video game. Incidentally, the game is in first person, you point at enemies and you shoot them. Constantly. In every area, on every planet and space station, and in almost every room. Shooting = shooter. Thought I might help you out. Keep you from embarressing yourself :D
I never said it did, also traditional FPS have a good multiplayer. I neever said MP3 wasnt a shooter it dances from FPS to FPA which makes it good but still it is not a traditional shooter which we lack horribly on the Wii. So please dont post if you misunderstand everything I say because I am not stuttering.
[QUOTE="sphinx-shadow"]what about a sequel to geist with online play that would work for medinofan01
what about a sequel to geist with online play that would work for mesphinx-shadow
no thank you
What? Geist wasn't horrible. It still got high A scores. There was just a few major flaws and was unpolished, which can be fixed in a sequel. I'm sure that's possible. Oh wait, nah, that's totally impossible rite. :roll: It's funny how you diss Geist but spoke highly of Yoshi's Story. :roll:[QUOTE="dinofan01"][QUOTE="sphinx-shadow"]what about a sequel to geist with online play that would work for medieworm
what about a sequel to geist with online play that would work for mesphinx-shadow
no thank you
What? Geist wasn't horrible. It still got high A scores. There was just a few major flaws and was unpolished, which can be fixed in a sequel. I'm sure that's possible. Oh wait, nah, that's totally impossible rite. :roll: It's funny how you diss Geist but spoke highly of Yoshi's Story. :roll:Geist was really fun. All they have to do is bring the visuals WAY up, have the spirit mode have alot more features, and make it a real shooter as well.
I thought a cool one wouldd be to possess people and if you do a special move you can commit suicide and then leave the body before they die. Also let you stick you spirit hand out of a body and manipulate another body to start a fight between the enemie and their own men.
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