I, like many people on the internet, can't see the 3DS costing more than $200 USD. Just can't see Nintendo doing that, for many reasons, but lets not debate that.
Some people may be sold on the concept of the 3DS already, despite not seeing much of it, not seeing its OS, its 3DSWare, its multimedia functions, etc.
So lets say the 3DS is out of your price range, what would push you into getting it even though its over that price?
For me, if Nintendo announced the 3DS is going to be $229 or $249 I'd have to see
1- 3G or Wireless N
2- a minimum of 16GBs flash storage, 32GB preferably
3- LED Flash on those two outer cameras
4-Terrific specs surpassing the iPod Touch this generation (since it is sold for less)
5- Multi-touch on the touch screen
6-Ability to store demo's and keep them, as well as some wireless syncing abilities connected to the Wii.
7- An Actual Nintendo channel for the 3DS, with demo's and trailers, etc.
8-A Decent Pack-In title
9- The ability to download DS games for a cheaper price to system memory instead of buying a retail copy
10- A better music player, a video player (confirmed since it plays 3D movies, although couldn't Nintendo still cop out and ship 3DS movies like on the GBA?)
11- A virtual handheld/console.
What would it take, in the 3DS, for it to push you into paying more than you want to pay for it, to get it?
If its less than $200 or $199 I can't image any of these things, save for a few, getting into the final product, but if it was over $200 I'd have to see some of these additions to start getting me to reconsider not buying it
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