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I do not know if you consider Animal Crossing to be one of Nintendo's main franchises, but if you do the best idea I have heard in a long time is that they should make an Animal Crossing MMO. I do not even like Animal Crossing but I would play that. I know that people have made the same suggestion for Pokemon. For some reason I do not see it working with Pokemon, but it would definitely work with Animal Crossing.
The idea that Nintendo is working on a system with new controller capabilities as well as a console with acceptable horsepower in the year 2012 is... frightening. I can't begin to imagine what crazy gameplay ideas they have in store for us, that because of the limitation of previous consoles, they couldn't deliver in the past.
I want their games to look simple. I want the next 2D Mario look like the NSMB Mii demo. Simple. High res. Sharp, graphics. I don't need photo realistic characters or collapsing buildings. The Zelda U demo is exactly how I imagine their games would look like in HD.
To top it off, they just initiated a massive hiring to help with HD development. This is all very exciting to me.
Also this is a perfect opportunity to bring back F-Zero.
I want to see:
Mario - return to a hub world like 64 and sunshine, but use the awesome gameplay of Galaxy 2. I do NOT want another Galaxy game. I want a vaster main world than every before, with tons of awesome varied levels. OR one massive world where there are no levels, rather its an open world mario with stars to obtain all over the world. Not sure if this one is a good idea or not :P.
Metroid - I want to see them do a third person prime like game. Something that feels very open and exploration focused, but in third person with new and interesting gameplay mechanics to complement the viewpoint.
Zelda - I want to see them do a hybrid of everything great from each game. I feel like lately they have been losing parts of what made OoT, MM, and WW so great, but doing great with parts of it. For instance, I wish Skyward Sword would have more islands in the sky that matter and are big (more towns maybe?) and interesting. I want to see hyrule below be more connected and exploration focused. And PLEASE give me a good instrument this time! We have not had that since WW :(. Even still, it wasnt as good as OoT and MM's.
Donkey Kong - I wouldnt mind seeing them take another shot at making a 3D one.
F-Zero - BRING IT BACK! I loved GX.
Pokemon - Give me an MMO/persistant online RPG (like Diablo II), with update 3D graphics, sounds, and gameplay.
WiiU - make it powerful, have good online, and tons of core titles.
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