If you could have enything you wanted on a clash of ninja game what would it be. Pleas list attacks.
I would put Vaati a charracter from legend of zelda on it. His physicle attacks would involve alot of air time. His jutsu attack would be throwing a lightning sphere and he can charge it to make it as powerful as a special jutsu but charging it cost chakra. His away jutsu would be warping that he can prolong but prolonging it cost chackra. His towards jutsu warps him in there face and he stabs them with a sword. Not a katana type of sword a middleages sword. His down jutsu somons a monster from the zelda series and the longer he charges it the bigger the badguy! It cost chackra to charge but not to sustain it, however, the monster has its own hp. His up jutsu he charges a ball of black energy that turns the oponant to stone for a set time depending on how long you charged. You can use a special jutsu on a person turned to stone and it wont wake them up till the time has passed. His average specail jutsu he hits you with what looks like chidori and if it hits a cutseen begins were he hits you again with the lightning fist, charges a massive beam of lightning, and unfortunatly for his oponant wscores a direct hit. THis attack does massive damage. His down specail jutsu he changes into beast mode and blast lightning in all directions then shoots a beam of lightning at the enamy. In crisis mode if he connects with the first hit of his lightning punch your doomed. He Lets you go flying and land on the ground while he charges red lightning on his hands and performs something similer to hinatas special jutsu knocksw you up in the air performs lions barrage kicks you to send you flying and blast you with a red lightning beem!If this attack hits you even on level 2 damage setting it will take away all hp! Do not get him in crisis mode or you are doomed! Only level 1 damage will leave hp and you probably lost the hp required to servive it enyway.
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